
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要





Construction drawing design of Jiuxu Port Bridge


In the history of bridge construction in China, the prestressed concrete hollow slab bridge is a milestone marking the new victory and new development of the bridge construction. Up to now, the prestressed concrete hollow slab bridge has become the first choice for the construction of small and medium-sized bridges due to its various features that facilitate construction. Under the current circumstances of the design and construction of such bridges, mastering the design and calculation methods of prestressed concrete hollow slab bridges has become an essential skill for bridge designers.

The design topic is the design drawing of the Jiuhao Port Bridge, the pretensioned prestressed concrete hollow slab beam used in the upper structure, and the pile-posted foundation in the lower structure. The design of the superstructure mainly includes the design and calculation of the main beam and the setting of the railings and bearings. The design of the substructure mainly includes the design of the cap beams and piers.

In this design, mainly in the calculation of the upper structure, the load-bearing status of the bridge during the entire process was analyzed, the internal force calculation and the reinforcement design were performed, the prestress loss of the prestressed steel strand was estimated, and the masters of the phases were checked. Beam section strength and stress. In the design of the substructure, cover beams, piers and piles are mainly calculated. The most important part of the bridge structure is the load-bearing structure, but other parts still occupy an important position in the design, directly affecting the functionality and safety of the entire bridge structure.

Key words: prestress; simply supported hollow slab beam; pretensioning method

目 录

1工程概况 1

2 九圩港桥上部结构计算 2

2.1设计资料 2

2.2构造及尺寸选定 3

2.3空心板毛截面几何特性计算 4

2.3.1毛截面面积A 4

2.3.2毛截面重心位置 4

2.3.3空心板毛截面对其重心轴的惯性矩 4

2.4作用效应计算 5

2.4.1永久作用效应计算 5

2.4.2可变作用效应计算 7

2.4.3作用效应组合 14

2.5预应力钢筋数量估算及布置 17

2.5.1预应力钢筋数量的估算 17

2.5.2预应力钢筋的布置 19

2.5.3普通钢筋数量的估算及布置 20

2.6换算截面几何特性计算 22

2.6.1换算截面面积 22

2.6.2换算截面重心位置 22

2.6.3换算截面惯性矩 23

2.6.4换算截面弹性抵抗矩 23

2.7承载能力极限状态计算 23

2.7.1跨中截面正截面抗弯承载力计算 23

2.7.2斜截面抗剪承载力计算 24

2.8预应力损失计算 28

2.8.1锚具变形、回缩引起的应力损失 29

2.8.2加热养护引起的温差损失 29

2.8.3预应力钢绞线由于应力松弛引起的预应力损失 29

2.8.4混凝土弹性压缩损失引起的预应力损失 30

2.8.5混凝土收缩、徐变引起的预应力损失 30

2.8.6预应力损失组合 33

2.9正常使用极限状态计算 34

2.9.1正截面抗裂性验算 34

2.9.2斜截面抗裂性验算 35

2.10变形验算 36

2.10.1正常使用阶段的挠度验算 36

2.10.2预加应力引起的反拱度及预拱度的设置 37

2.11持久状态应力验算 40

2.11.1跨中截面混凝土法向压应力验算 40

2.11.2跨中截面预应力钢绞线拉应力验算 40

2.11.3斜截面主应力验算 41

2.12短暂状态应力验算 43

2.12.1跨中截面应力验算 44

2.12.2 L/4截面应力验算 45

2.12.3支点截面应力验算 46

2.13最小配筋率复核 48

2.14预制空心板吊环计算 50

2.15栏杆计算 50

2.15.1栏杆的构造及布置 50

2.16支座计算 51

2.16.1选定支座的平面尺寸 51

2.16.2确定支座的厚度 52

2.16.3验算支座的偏转 53

2.16.4验算支座的稳定性 54

3 九圩港桥下部结构计算 56

3.1设计资料 56

3.1.1设计标准及上部构造 56

3.1.2材料 56

3.1.3桥墩尺寸 56

3.2盖梁计算 57

3.2.1荷载计算 57

3.2.2内力计算 70

3.2.3截面配筋设计与承载力校核 73

3.3桥墩墩柱设计 80

3.3.1作用效用计算 80

3.3.2截面配筋计算及应力验算 83

3.4桩的计算 86

3.4.1荷载计算 86

3.4.2桩长计算 88

3.4.3桩的内力计算 89

3.4.4桩身截面配筋承载力验算 91

3.4.5墩顶纵向水平位移验算 93


结论 95

致谢 96

参考文献 97

1 工程概况


2.桥面宽度:0.75m 11.25 m 0.75m =12.75 m;






  1. 钢筋


  1. 混凝土

采用 C50混凝土浇注空心板,采用 C40混凝土浇注铰缝,采用 C40混凝土封锚,采用 AC-13C沥青混凝土和AC-20C沥青混凝土进行桥面铺装,采用 C40混凝土浇注护栏,采用C30混凝土浇注盖梁、墩柱和桩。

2 九圩港桥上部结构计算



2.跨径:标准跨径 =13.00m;

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