
 2021-04-14 11:04

摘 要




Office Building Design of Kaifeng Commercial Bank


Graduation design content is the framework structure design of the bank office building, covering an area of about 1500 square meters, building floors8 floors above ground.

The office building has completed a relatively complete design process from architectural design to construction organization design.The first part is architectural design, which mainly introduces the basic situation of the office building and the architectural design plan;The second part is the design data, structural layout scheme and load calculation, in which the design data explains the basic design basis of the building and the basic practices of the components. The structural arrangement scheme is the preparation part of the structural design, and mainly introduces the structure selection, the column network arrangement and the basic structural components. The load calculation counts the various loads of the office building and is prepared for structural calculations;The third part is the structural design using PKPM series software;The fourth part selects a frame for hand calculation to facilitate comparison and analysis with the computerized results;The fifth part carries out the design of the stairs and the foundation, in which the stairs adopt the slab staircase, and the foundation adopts the cross-column under the column;The sixth part is the design part of the construction organization, which mainly controls the construction measures and schedule of the office building;The seventh part is the conclusion, summarizing the graduation design, and also evaluating the rationality of the graduation design.

Key word: concrete, frame structure, internal force calculation, reinforcement

目 录

前 言 1

1 工程概况 2

2 设计资料 3

2.1自然条件 3

2.2建筑标准 4

2.3材料选用 4

2.4建筑设计 4

2.4.1主要功能空间及布置原则 4

2.4.2建筑平面设计 4

2.4.3建筑立面设计 4

2.4.4屋面排水及地面防水 4

3 构件截面估计 6

3.1梁截面估算 6

3.2柱截面估算 6

4 荷载计算 7

4.1 恒荷载标准值 7

4.1.1屋面 7

4.1.2各层楼面 7

4.1.3墙体自重 7

4.1.4梁自重 9

4. 1.5柱自重 9

4.2活荷载标准值 9

4.2.1屋面及楼面活荷载标准值 9

4.2.2雪荷载标准值 9

5 计算一榀框架 10

5.1结构计算简图 10

5.1.1计算单元选取 10

5.1.2梁、柱线刚度计算 10

5.2竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 12

5.2.1荷载计算 12

5.2.2恒载标准值作用下框架结构的内力计算 16

5.2.3活载标准值作用下框架结构的内力计算 23

5.3风荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 29

5.3.1风荷载计算 29

5.3.2风荷载作用下的位移验算 29

5.3.3内力计算 31

5.4地震作用下框架结构的内力计算 37

5.4.1重力荷载代表值计算 37

5.4.2横向自振周期计算 38

5.4.3水平地震作用和楼层地震剪力计算 39

5.4.4内力计算 40

5.5框架结构的内力组合 45

5.5.1框架梁的内力组合 45

5.5.2框架柱的内力组合 45

5.6截面设计与配筋计算 54

5.6.1框架柱截面设计 54

5.6.2框架梁截面设计 57

6 楼梯设计 60

6.1楼梯结构布置 60

6.2楼梯构件内力计算及截面设计 60

6.2.1踏步板计算 60

6.2.2楼梯斜梁计算 61

6.2.3平台板计算 62

6.2.4平台梁计算 63

7 基础设计 65

7.1基础选型与布置 65

7.2作用于基础顶面的荷载计算 65

7.2.1A柱基础 65

7.2.2B柱基础 65

7.3基础计算 66

7.3.1A柱基础计算 66

7.3.2B柱基础计算 68

8 施工组织设计 71

8.1施工总程序 71

8.2施工段的划分 71

8.3主要项目施工方法及施工顺序 71

8.3.1基础工程 71

8.3.2主体结构工程 71

8.3.3砌筑工程 71

8.3.4屋面工程 72

8.3.5装饰工程 72

8.4施工现场平面布置图 72

8.4.1垂直运输机械的布置 72

8.4.2搅拌站布置 72

8.4.3其他各种作业棚、工具棚的布置 73

8.5安全文明施工措施 76

9 PKPM电算结果 77

9.1系统总信息 77

9.2抗震分析及调整 82

9.2.1结构周期及振型方向 82

9.2.2各地震方向参与振型的有效质量系数 83

9.2.3地震作用下结构剪重比及其调整 83

9.3变形验算 86

9.3.1普通结构楼层位移指标统计 86

9.4抗倾覆和稳定验算 91

9.4.1抗倾覆验算 91

9.4.2整体稳定刚重比验算 91

9.5pkpm电算结果与手算结果比较 92

结 论 93

致 谢 94

参考文献 95

前 言


1 工程概况



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