
 2021-04-14 11:04

摘 要






A high-rise steel structure office building design


The example of the design of high-rise steel structure office building in Sihong county illustrates the general process of high-rise steel frame design. It describes the steps of frame design, including architectural design and structural design in the form of a monolithic structure design.
Architectural design that places the building plane should meet the requirements of using function and geographic location, which should also follow the total requirements of applicability, economy and beauty. What’s more, it embodies simple and bright characteristics of the time. The main floor and second floor are for business meetings and dining area. The upper floors are for administrative area. Flexible space can provide the user with a certain design space which can be used as a zone with a dividing function.
Structure design mainly carries out the calculation of PKPM and the hand calculation of a frame.The internal force calculation of lateral horizontal wind load, lateral horizontal earthquake and vertical load is carried out by choosing the horizontal seven-axis frame in the structure plan.Then, the internal forces are combined to select the most unfavorable internal force to check whether the structure components can meet the design requirements. After determining the frame layout, the design of the whole building nodes and staircase in the structure plan was carried out, and the internal force calculation and construction drawing of the platform plate, ladder slab, platform beam and other components were completed.

Foundation design is mainly based on the foundation selection, and the independent column foundation is used for the comprehensive consideration of geological environment and architectural structure.

Keywords: tall building ; structure design ; anti-seismic design ; independent foundation


1. 建筑设计 9

1.1工程简介 9

1.2设计依据 9

1.3设计要求及方案特点 9

1.3.1建筑平面设计 9

1.3.2建筑立面设计 9

1.3.3防火要求 10

1.3.4工程做法 10

2.结构设计 11

2.1 工程概况及结构布置 11

2.2 建筑的安全等级及设计使用年限 11

2.3 本工程设计依据 11

2.4 自然条件及使用荷载 12

2.5 主要结构材料 12

2.6 柱网布置 13

2.7 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步确定 14

2.7.1 框架梁的截面尺寸 14

2.7.2 框架柱的截面尺寸 14

3.荷载统计 16

3.1屋面及楼面的永久荷载标准值 16

3.1.1不上人屋面 16

3.1.2 1~9层楼面(除卫生间) 16

3.1.3卫生间楼面 17

3.2屋面及楼面的可变荷载标准值 17

3.3梁、柱、墙、窗、门荷载计算 18

3.3.1梁、柱自重 18

3.3.2墙、窗、门永久荷载标准值 18

4.结构计算I(PKPM建模、计算及分析) 19

4.1结构设计总信息 19

4.1.1总信息 19

4.1.2风荷载信息 20

4.1.3地震信息 21

4.1.4活荷载信息 22

4.1.5调整信息 23

4.1.6配筋信息 24

4.1.7设计信息 25

4.1.8荷载组合信息 27

4.2计算结果分析 27

4.2.1楼层抗剪承载力及承载力比值 27

4.2.2刚度比 28

4.2.3刚重比 29

4.2.4周期比 29

4.2.5剪重比 31

4.2.6位移比 32

4.3 SATWE分析结果图形显示 36

5. 结构计算II(手算一榀框架) 39

5.1结构计算简图 39

5.2框架侧移刚度计算 39

5.2.1 梁、柱线刚度计算 39

5.2.2框架侧移刚度D值计算 40

5.3横向水平地震作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算 41

5.3.1重力荷载代表值计算 41

5.3.2水平地震作用及地震剪力计算 42

5.3.3水平地震作用下的水平位移验算 46

5.3.4水平地震作用下的框架内力计算 46

5.4横向风荷载作用下结构内力和侧移计算 56

5.4.1风荷载标准值 56

5.4.2 风荷载计算简图 57

5.4.3 风荷载作用下的水平位移验算 58

5.4.4风荷载作用下的框架内力计算 58

5.5 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 68

5.5.1恒荷载计算 68

5.5.2活荷载计算 72

5.6框架结构内力组合 76

5.6.1 组合方式 76

5.6.2 框架梁、柱荷载组合 77

5.7梁柱构件截面验算 89

5.7.1框架梁(主梁)截面验算 89

5.7.2 框架柱截面验算 90

6. 楼梯设计 97

6.1概述 97

6.2楼梯梁设计 97

6.2.1荷载计算 97

6.2.2截面设计 99

6.3 踏步设计 100

6.3.1荷载计算 101

6.3.2截面设计 101

6.4平台板设计 102

6.4.1荷载计算 102

6.4.2截面设计 102

6.5 平台梁设计 103

6.5.1荷载计算 103

6.5.2截面设计 104

7.基础设计 106

7.1地基承载力修正值 106

7.2JC-3独立基础计算过程 106

7.2.1示意图 106

7.2.2计算信息 107

7.2.3计算参数 108

7.2.4计算作用在基础底部弯矩值 109

7.2.5验算地基承载力 109

7.2.6基础冲切验算 110

7.2.7基础受剪承载力验算 113

7.2.8柱下基础的局部受压验算 113

7.2.9基础受弯计算 113

7.2.10计算配筋 114

7.3JC-4联合基础计算过程 115

7.3.1示意图 115

7.3.2计算信息 115

7.3.3计算参数 117

7.3.4计算作用在基础底部弯矩值 118

7.3.5验算地基承载力 118

7.3.6基础冲切验算 119

7.3.7柱下基础的局部受压验算 121

7.3.8基础受弯计算 121

7.3.9计算配筋 122

8. 全楼节点设计 124

8.1 梁柱节点截面验算 124

8.1.1 梁柱节点域验算结果 124

8.1.2 节点连接方式及承载力计算 126

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