
 2021-04-15 10:04

摘 要




Construction Drawing Design of Zhushan Bridge


This design is the construction drawings of Zhushan Bridge. The bridge is a newly built bridge located in Dongshan Street. The new bridge scheme is 2 ×13m pre-stressed concrete hollow slab girder bridge with a full width of 18m. The bridge is designed as a double four-lane, 1.5m wide sidewalk. The prefabricated reinforced concrete hollow slab is used in the superstructure. The design adopts assembled pre-stressed reinforced concrete hollow slab with a height of 0.8m and a width of 1.0m. In order to reduce the camber caused by prestressing and the height of hollow slab, the post-tensioned prestressed concrete hollow slab is designed according to the full-prestressing concrete component under the design load, and the hollow slab is reinforced by a mixture of prestressing and non-prestressing tendons. After tensioning the steel strand, the strength of the precast concrete hollow slab must be above 85% before the prestressing steel strand can be tensioned. The lower structure is designed with rectangular three-column reinforced concrete pier, the upper pier with 1.1m width, and the pier foundation with 1.2m bored pile diameter. The pier cap beam is a continuous pier cap beam. The internal force of the cap beam and the vertical reaction of the pier top are calculated according to the simply supported beam.

After communicating with Dongshan Street, there is a need for dredging and dredging in the future of Benqiao River. The base elevation of bridge foundation should be controlled at a level not less than 2m of the current river base elevation. The bridge abutment road is under construction at the time of design. Before construction, the design unit should be notified to enter the site and retest the bridge head connection elevation, so as to ensure that both sides of the new bridge are connected with the existing roads.

Key words: hollow slab; prestress; pretension method; design calculation


第一章 设计资料 1

1.1任务概况 1

1.2 技术标准 1

1.3工程地质 1

1.3.1场地地形地貌 1

1.3.2地层岩性 2

1.3.3场地地震效应 2

1.3.4岩土的工程参数 3

1.4气候水文条件 4

1.4.1气候特征 4

1.4.2水文条件 4

1.5材料及施工工艺 5

1.5.1混凝土 5

1.5.2钢材 5

1.6设计依据 6

1.7基本计算数据表 6

1.8设计标准 7

第二章 上部结构 8

2.1结构设计参数与构造布置 8

2.1.1桥面跨径及桥宽 8

2.1.2桥梁的构造布置设计 8

2.1.3结构设计 9

2.1.4.永久作用效应计算  14

2.1.5可变作用的计算 16

2.2预应力钢筋数量估算及分布 31

2.2.1预应力钢筋数量的估算 31

2.2.2预应力钢筋的布置 32

2.2.3普通钢筋的布置 33

2.3换算截面几何特性的计算 35

2.3.1换算截面面积 35

2.3.2换算截面重心位置的确定 35

2.3.3换算截面的惯性矩 36

2.3.4截面抗弯模量 36

2.4构件承载能力极限状态的计算 36

2.4.1 跨中正截面抗弯承载能力的计算 36

2.4.2斜截面的抗弯承载力计算 39

2.5预应力损失的计算 40

2.5.1锚具变形、回缩引起的预应力损失 40

2.5.2 加热养护引起的温差损失 41

2.5.3混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失 41

2.5.4预应力钢绞线由于钢筋松弛引起的预应力损失 42

2.5.5混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损失 43

2.5.6 跨中截面预应力损失组合 45

2.6正常使用极限状态计算 46

2.7主梁变形验算 47

2.7.1正常使用阶段的挠度计算 47

2.7.2预应力引起的反拱度计算及预拱度的设置 48

2.8短暂状态应力计算 49

2.9 支座计算 54

2.9.1 选定支座的平面尺寸 54

2.9.2 确定支座厚度 54

2.9.3验算支座的偏转 56

2.9.4验算支座抗滑稳定性 56

2.10 最小配筋率校核 57

2.11铰缝的计算 59

2.11.1 铰缝剪力计算 59

2.11.2 铰缝抗剪强度计算 61

第三章 下部结构 62

3.1设计资料 62

3.1.1 桥梁下部结构的设计 62

3.1.2水文地址条件(本设计系假设条件) 62

3.1.3材料 62

3.1.4桥台计算基本假定 62

3.1.5 桥墩尺寸 62

3.2 盖梁的计算 63

3.3各梁永久荷载、可变荷载反力组合; 73

3.3.1恒载加活载作用下各截面的内力 74

3.3.2盖梁内力汇总 75

3.4截面配筋设计与承载力校核 76

3.4.1正截面抗弯承载力验算: 76

3.4.2斜截面抗剪承载能力验算 77

3.4.3支座荷载反力计算 78

3.5桥台台身强度计算 79

3.5.1桥台台身计算 79

3.6预制空心板吊杯计算 82

3.6.1预制空心板截面的强度 82

3.6.2吊环钢筋直径的选择 82

结 论 83

致 谢 84

第一章 设计资料




1.2 技术标准


(2)《公路工程技术标准》(JTG B01-2014);

(3)《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015);

(4)《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(JTG 3362-2018);

(5)《公路桥涵地基与基础设计规范》(JTG D63-2019);

(6)《公路桥梁抗震设计细则》(JTG/T B02-01-2008);

(7)《公路交通安全设施设计规范》(JTG D81-2017);

(8)《公路交通安全设施设计细则》(JTG/T D81-2017);

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