
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要





This project is the architectural design of li kam hotel, the main structure is 8 floors, the total height of 30.2 meters, the total construction area of 10500, the use of reinforced concrete frame structure. According to the preliminary design scheme, the construction drawing design, the main part of the building structure design, the building construction description and the drawing construction drawing are carried out. Under the condition of given the general floor plan and geological survey report of the building, according to the current building and structural norms of the country, the basic course, the knowledge of specialized courses and related techniques are used to design, and the construction drawing and structure construction drawing are drawn. It is divided into the following parts. First, the architectural design part, according to the given general building plan and related requirements, the internal use of space is divided, after reasonable arrangement, the use of tiancheng software to draw the main floor plan, elevation, profile map. Determine the structure plan, carry on the structure floor plan arrangement; second, according to the reinforced concrete structure principle and the structural mechanics and so on expertise, uses the pkpm structure design auxiliary software, and uses autocad to draw and perfect the structure reinforcement diagram; third, to the foundation, the staircase part, carries on the internal force calculation and the reinforcement design.

key words: structural layout; architectural design; reinforced concrete; pkpm; tianzheng software


前言 1

1 工程概况 2

1.1工程的概况 2

1.2主要材料的选用 2

1.3主要布置功能空间 2

2 建筑设计 3

2.1建筑的平面布置 3

2.2建筑的立面图 3

3 设计资料 5

3.1地质、气象资料 5

3.2抗震设防要求 5

3.3结构材料选择 5

4 结构建模 6

4.1结构选型 6

4.2构件的截面尺寸 6

4.2.1梁截面尺寸 6

4.2.2柱的截面尺寸 7

4.2.3楼板厚度的确定 7

5 荷载计算 8

5.1恒载标准值计算 8

5.2活荷载标准值 9

6 PKPM电算 10

6.1系统总信息 10

6.2周期、地震力、振型输出文件 18

6.3结构位移输出文件 28

6.4底层最大组合内力 38

7 楼梯设计 48

7.1楼梯设计信息 48

7.2梯段板设计 49

7.2.1确定斜板厚度 50

7.2.2荷载计算 50

7.2.3内力计算 50

7.2.4配筋计算 50

7.3平台板设计 51

7.3.1平台板计算 51

7.3.2荷载计算 51

7.3.3内力计算 51

7.3.4配筋计算 51

7.4平台梁设计 52

7.4.1荷载计算 52

7.4.2内力计算 52

7.4.3截面计算 53

8 基础设计 55

8.1设计信息 55

8.2确定基础底面尺寸 55

8.3基础底板配筋 57

9 总结与展望 61

致谢 62

参 考 文 献 63




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