
 2021-04-16 12:04

摘 要




Structure and Construction Organization Design of PanXing expressway Min Zhu Tunnel


With the improvement of technical progress and economic level in our country, at the central or western regions in our country, especially in mountainous areas to develop the mountain terrain, highway tunnels are advantaged in shorting the length of the line, overcoming the vertical barriers, reducing the gradient and curvature. So they are developed rapidly now.Tunnel design of retraining structure can availably restrict and control the deformation of the surrounding rock, protect the internal transportation space. At the same time, it can ensure the construction safety in the construction. Construction organization design can effectively allocate resources, formulate technical requirements and construction scheme. With the completion and optimization of structure and construction design, it means that the main problems of tunnel construction are solved.

Under the construction requirements of NATM, this design is made for the Min Zhu Tunnel which is one part of a arterial road of the mountainous area in Guizhou pan Xing. This design includes several main aspects: supporting structure of different rock, spray anchor bracing design, the design and calculation of the secondary lining structure, drilling blasting design. At the same time, it also completed construction organization design including the design of auxiliary construction measures, construction plan and resource supply preparation.

KEY WORD:tunnel;NATM;composite lining;drilling blasting design;auxiliary construction construction plan;resource supply preparation


第一章 工程概况 1

1.1 隧道设计概况 1

1.2 隧道设计标准规范 1

1.3 隧道主要技术标准 1

1.4 隧道工程地质概况 2

第二章 施工准备 4

2.1 现场布置 4

2.2 人员及机械配置 5

2.3 施工现场准备 6

2.4 有关协调工作的准备 6

第三章 隧道施工总体安排及施工方案 7

3.1隧道施工方案设计 7

3.2 进洞方案 7

3.3 开挖方案 8

第四章 超前支护工程 9

4.1 超前小导管施工 9

4.2 超前大管棚施工 10

第五章 洞身开挖工程 11

5.1 洞身开挖方案的选择 11

5.2 爆破工程 12

5.2.1 钻爆设计 12

5.2.2 装药结构及堵塞方式 14

5.2.4 施工程序 15

第六章 隧道暗洞初期支护 16

6.1 衬砌设计及支护形式选择 16

6.2 隧道横断面设计 16

6.3 围岩压力计算 16

6.3.1 隧道深浅埋判断 16

6.3.2 各段围岩压力计算 18

6.4 锚喷支护的设计与计算 23

第七章 隧道暗洞二次支护设计 42

7.1 计算思路 42

7.2 Ⅴ级围岩段二次支护计算 42

7.3 Ⅳ级围岩段二次支护计算 54

7.4 Ⅲ级围岩段二次支护计算 65

7.5 隧道洞身二次衬砌配筋计算 76

第八章 工期计划及安排 82

8.1 施工进度安排 82

8.2 工期保证体系 88

第九章 环境保护、文明施工措施 90

9.1 文明施工目标 90

9.2 文明施工管理体系 90

9.3 文明施工保证措施 90

致 谢 92

参考文献 93

第一章 工程概况

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