
 2021-04-16 01:04

摘 要

盾构施工对邻近桥桩引起的地层变形超过一定的范围,将对邻近高架桥桩基础产生较大的影响,危机邻近高架桥桩的安全,故研究盾构施工对邻近桩基力学性能的影响,对确保邻近桥桩的安全尤为重要。经过建立样本模型,利用Plaxis 2D模拟,选取了一号桩,四号桩以及承台计算研究了不同影响因素下,盾构施工对邻近桩基水平位移的影响规律;研究了不同影响因素下,盾构施工对邻近桩基轴力的影响规律;研究了不同影响因素条件下对邻近桩基础剪力弯矩的影响规律,研究结论如下:

  1. 盾构施工对邻近桥桩水平位移影响总结:隧道的开挖导致一号桩以及四号桩的水平位移趋势基本相同,在改变隧道与桩基础三个参量的水平位移变化都较大。
  2. 盾构施工对邻近桥桩轴力影响总结:隧道的开挖对轴力的影响,其中四号桩的变化比一号桩更为明显。隧道半径越大,轴力值整体增大。隧道的埋深越深,轴力值中整体减小。隧道的相对水平距离的增加,轴力值也在整体减小。
  3. 盾构施工对邻近桥桩剪力影响总结:剪力的分析在不同影响因素条件下,分别表现出了不同的变化趋势。
  4. 在对隧道的开挖对弯矩的影响总结:一号桩和四号桩的曲线出现差异。一号桩在不同条件下趋势是大致相同的,桩身前半部分处于正方向先递增后递减,然后转变为负方向同样的先递增后递减;四号桩的弯矩都处于负方向,并且四种情况都是按先递增后减小的趋势变化。

关键词:盾构施工 plaxis 数值分析 桩基础 水平位移 弯矩 剪力 轴力


The shield deformation caused by the deformation of adjacent piles beyond a certain range will have a great impact on the adjacent piles of the viaduct, and the safety of the bridge adjacent to the elevated bridge piles. Therefore, the influence of shield construction on the mechanical properties of adjacent pile foundations is studied. It is especially important to ensure the safety of the adjacent bridge piles. After establishing a sample model and using Plaxis 2d simulation, we selected the No. 1 pile, the No. 4 pile and the pile cap calculation to study the influence of shield construction on the horizontal displacement of the adjacent pile foundation under different influencing factors. The conclusions are as follows:

  1. Summary of the effect of shield construction on the horizontal displacement of adjacent bridge piles: The tunnel excavation results in the same horizontal displacement trend of No. 1 and No. 4 piles. The change in the horizontal displacement of the three parameters of the tunnel and pile foundation is larger.
  2. The influence of shield construction on the axial force of adjacent bridge piles is summarized: the effect of tunnel excavation on axial force, and the change of No. 4 pile is more obvious than No. 1 pile. The larger the tunnel radius, the greater the axial force. The deeper the tunnel is buried, the overall axial force value decreases. With the increase of the relative horizontal distance of the tunnel, the axial force value also decreases as a whole Larger.
  3. The effect of shield construction on the shear force of adjacent bridge piles is summarized. The shear force analysis shows different trends under different influencing factors.
  4. In the influence of the tunnel excavation on the bending moment, the curves of the No. 1 and No. 4 piles are different. The trend of the No. 1 pile is approximately the same under different conditions. The first half of the pile is first increased in the positive direction and then decreased, and then turned into the same negative direction. The first moment of the pile is in the negative direction, and the fourth moment is in the negative direction. The situation is changed according to the trend of increasing first and then decr easing.

Keys words:Shield construction;Plaxis;Numerical Analysis;Pile foundation;Horizontal displacement; bending moment; shear force; axial force

目 录

1.绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1整体研究背景 1

1.1.2研究方法的发展背景 1

1.1.3小结 2

1.2研究现状及发展趋势 2

1.2.1盾构施工对地层变形及地表沉降围岩内力的研究 2

1.2.2盾构隧道开挖对邻近桩基影响的研究 5

1.2.3盾构施工对周围邻近既有建筑物的相互影响分析 8

1.3分析总结 11

1.4计划汇总 11

2.数值分析理论及方法 12

2.1Plaxis 2D软件介绍 12

2.2模型的建立与网格的划分 13

2.3土体,桩,桩脚,衬砌以及承台各参数的选取确定 15

2.4模型网格的生成 17

2.5模型的计算输出工序 18

2.6结果分析 20

2.6.1水平位移分析 20

2.6.2轴力分析 21

2.6.3剪力分析 22

2.7本章小结 24

3.盾构施工不同条件下对邻近桥桩力学影响的讨论 25

3.1盾构施工在不同相对距离条件下对桩基础的力学影响 25

3.1.1盾构施工在不同相对距离条件下桩基础的水平位移的影响 25

3.1.2盾构施工在不同相对距离条件下桩基础的轴力的影响 27

3.1.3盾构施工在不同相对距离条件下桩基础的剪力的影响 29

3.1.4盾构施工在不同相对距离条件下桩基础的弯矩的影响 30

3.2盾构施工在不同埋深条件下对桩基础的力学影响 32

3.2.1盾构施工在不同埋深条件下桩基础的水平位移的影响 32

3.2.2盾构施工在不同埋深条件下桩基础的轴向力的影响 33

3.2.3盾构施工在不同埋深条件下桩基础的剪力的影响 35

3.2.4盾构施工在不同埋深条件下桩基础的弯矩的影响 37

3.3盾构施工在不同隧道半径条件下对桩基础的力学影响 39

3.3.1盾构施工在不同隧道半径条件下桩基础的水平位移的影响 39

3.3.2盾构施工在不同隧道半径条件下桩基础的轴力的影响 40

3.3.3盾构施工在不同隧道半径条件下桩基础的剪力的影响 42

3.3.4盾构施工在不同隧道半径条件下桩基础的弯矩的影响 43

3.4本章小结 45

4.结论 46

致 谢 47

参考文献 48













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