
 2021-04-16 01:04

摘 要




Design of Administrative Office Building in Hangzhou Zhijiang College


The design is an office building design in Hangzhou. The building has an area of 11520m2, 8 floors, and a height of 27.35m. The overall structure of reinforced concrete frame. The design includes both drawings and text. The text includes the design of structural construction, structural calculation and foreign language translation, and the calculation is its main part. First calculate the constant load, live load and wind load of the frame, then calculates the internal force of the frame under the action of vertical load and wind load, and draw the diagrams of its bending moment, shear force, shaft, and so on. Next step is to calculate the internal forces under the action of vertical loads (constant loads and live loads) in order to find the most unfavorable group or groups of internal forces. Select the safest result to calculate reinforcement and draw the corresponding diagrams. The drawing section includes architectural design and structural design. Construction plans are based on engineering requirements and related specifications.

The design of the basic form adopt the independent basis under the column, staircase is the reinforced cast-in-place beam concrete staircase. The whole design is creative, reasonable and basically in accordance with the requirements on design and structure.

Key words: frame structure; structural design; calculation of internal force


1.设计总说明 6

1.1工程概况 6

1.2设计资料 6

1.2.1 设计依据的规范 6

1.2.2自然条件 6

1.2.3建筑标准 7

1.2.4工程做法 7

2.结构平面布置 8

2.1结构体系 8

2.1.1 材料参数确认及尺寸估算 8

3.框架荷载计算 11

3.1框架梁柱相对线刚度计算 11

3.2 恒载标准值计算 13

3.3 活荷载标准值计算 14

3.4 竖向荷载内力计算 14

3.4.1.恒载标准值计算 15

3.4.2活载计算 22

3.5 风荷载内力计算 26

3.5.1 风荷载标准值计算 26

3.5.2风荷载作用下的位移验算 27

4.非地震作用框架内力计算 30

4.1.竖向恒载内力计算 30

4.1.1弯矩分配系数计算 30

4.1.2 计算杆件固端弯矩 37

4.2.竖向活载作用下的内力计算 38

4.2.1计算杆件固端弯矩 38

4.3.雪荷载内力计算 43

4.4.风荷载内力计算 43

5地震作用下框架计算 50

5.1.重力荷载代表值的计算 50

5.1.1重力荷载代表值计算 50

5.2.基本自振周期及抗侧刚度D计算 51

5.2.1抗侧刚度D计算 51

5.2.2自振周期计算 51

5.3横向地震作用计算 52

5.4地震作用变形验算 53

5.5框架地震内力计算 54

6.内力组合 59

6.1框架梁弯矩调幅 59

6.2柱子内力组合 62

6.3梁内力组合 88

7. 截面设计 107

7.1梁截面设计 107

7.1.1 框架梁配筋设计计算 112

7.1.2梁斜截面受剪承载力计算 149

7.2柱的配筋计算 153

7.2.1剪跨比和轴压比验算. 153

7.2.2 柱配筋计算. 154

7.2.3 柱斜截面受剪计算 166

8.楼梯设计 168

8.1楼梯板设计 168

8.2楼梯平台板设计 169

8.3楼梯平台梁设计 170

9.基础设计计算 172

9.1确定基础底面面积 172

9.2持力层强度验算 172

9.3基础冲切验算 173

9.4基础配筋计算 174

10.电算结果 176

致谢 186

参考文献 188





1.2.1 设计依据的规范



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