
 2021-04-19 09:04

摘 要






关键词: 框架;结构设计;抗震设计


According to the mission statement of graduation requirements, Nanyandu residential building 5 has been designed including architectural design, structural design and construction design .

First, according to building size, type, grade standards and building bases of environmental conditions and functional requirements, meeting the lighting, ventilation, fire and other requirements of the premise, the combination of plane and space architectural has been designed, Nanyandu residential building 5 floor flat, vertical, sectional and other construction drawingshas been designed .

Hand count one-bay frame includes a frame load statistics, calculation of internal forces under vertical loads, internal forces calculation under lateral loads, a combination of internal forces and reinforcement calculation. Internal force calculation under which seismic loads are calculated first representative value between layers, followed by the use of vertex displacement method for the vibration cycle, then press the bottom of the horizontal seismic shear method, and finally obtained under horizontal loads with D value method the structure of the internal forces (bending moment, shear, axial force). In addition, also carried up the stairs and foundation design. Stairs using plate, respectively bench plate, platform boards, the platform has been designed to calculate the beam gives the stair construction drawing. Basis using an independent foundation under the column for the Bearing Capacity foundation, basic punching and bending computing capacity calculation. Finally, the basic construction plans.

Finally, Nanyandu residential building 5 conducted a construction organization design, based on the location of the building where the overall plan, carried out the construction site layout design, completed the construction site overall floorplan. Accordance with the provisions of the contract start and completion dates and the relevant regulatory requirements, the completion of the construction plan and draw a construction bar chart; developed a method of construction of major projects and technical measures.

Keywords: frame; structural design; seismic design

目 录

1建筑设计 1

1.1工程简介 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3设计要点及方案特点 1

1.3.1主要功能空间及布置原则 1

1.3.2建筑平面设计 1

1.3.3建筑立面设计 2

1.3.4屋面排水及地面防水 2

2设计资料 3

2.1地质、气象资料 3

2.1.1地质资料 3

2.2抗震设防要求 3

2.3结构材料选择 3

2.4楼屋面做法 3

2.5墙体做法 4

2.6门窗 4

3结构布置方案 5

3.1结构体系的选择 5

3.2结构的水平及竖向布置 5

3.3柱网布置及结构承重方案选择 5

3.2主要构件尺寸初步估算 6

3.2.1 柱截面尺寸的估算 6

3.2.2梁截面尺寸估算 7

3.2.3板的尺寸估算 8

4 荷载统计 9

4.1 屋面均布荷载 9

4.1.1 屋面恒荷载统计 9

4.1.2 屋面活荷载统计 9

4.2楼面均布荷载 9

4.2.1 楼面恒荷载统计 9

4.2.2 楼面活荷载统计 10

4.3墙体荷载 10

4.4 梁、柱的重力荷载统计 10

4.4.1 梁自重 10

4.4.2 柱自重 11

5应用PKPM系列软件进行结构设计 12

5.1设计参数 12

5.1.1总信息 12

5.1.2地震信息 13

5.1.3风荷载信息 14

5.2结构计算总信息 14

5.2.1总信息 14

5.2.2柱、基础活载折减系数 17

5.2.3各层质量、质心坐标信息 18

5.2.4各层构件数量、构件材料和层高 18

5.2.6各楼层的单位面积质量分布 19

5.3结构工作性能及抗震性能评价 19

5.3.1抗倾覆验算结果 19

5.3.2结构整体稳定性验算结果 19

5.3.3楼层抗剪承载力及比值 20

5.3.4结构位移及变形 20

5.3.5风荷载下最大层间位移角曲线 22

5.3.6地震作用下最大层间位移角曲线 23

5.3.7梁弹性挠度简图 24

5.3.8梁裂缝图 25

6 手算一榀框架 27

6.1确定结构计算简图 27

6.1.1计算单元选取 27

6.1.2梁﹑柱惯性矩、线刚度、相对线刚度计算 27

6.2竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 30

6.2.1竖向荷载统计 30

6.2.2恒载标准值作用下框架结构的内力计算 33

6.2.3活荷载标准值作用下框架结构的内力计算 39

6.3.1 风荷载作用计算 44

6.3.2 风荷载作用下框架结构内力计算 45

6.4地震作用下框架结构的内力计算 47

6.4.1基本情况 47

6.4.2 重力荷载代表值 48

6.4.3 横向自振周期计算 49

6.4.4 横向水平地震作用计算 50

6.4.5地震力荷载作用下的水平位移验算 51

6.4.6水平地震作用下框架内力计算 52

6.5框架结构的内力组合 54

6.5.1 框架结构内力组合方式 54

6.6框架结构的配筋计算 63

6.6.1正截面受弯承载力计算(以BC跨主梁为例) 63

6.6.2 梁斜截面抗剪计算 67

6.6.3 柱截面设计 68

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