
 2021-04-14 11:04

摘 要







Office building design of dalian aviation vocational and technical college


The building is a six-story frame structure, according to the height of the building, seismic fortification grade and other reasonable choice of structural materials, lateral force resistant structural system, but also pay attention to the overall layout of the building shape and structure.

The calculation book mainly includes eight parts: structure selection, frame structure calculation under horizontal force, internal force calculation under vertical load, internal force combination of horizontal frame, section size design, plate design, foundation design, stair design.

The calculation part of the frame structure includes: the preliminary determination of the size of beam, plate and column, the calculation of the standard value of gravity load, the calculation of the lateral stiffness of the transverse frame, the calculation of the internal force of the frame under the vertical load, the calculation of the internal force under the horizontal seismic force and the lateral displacement calculation, the check calculation of the lateral displacement under the horizontal wind load.

Section design includes beam section design and column interface design. The design of the board is two-way board. Foundation design includes load calculation, foundation bearing capacity calculation, punching and shearing checking calculation, foundation reinforcement calculation. Stair design includes stair section design, platform beam design, platform plate design, stair reinforcement calculation.

The calculation workload of frame structure design is very large. In the calculation process, hand calculation is the main method, followed by building structure software PKPMCAD for computer calculation.

Key words: frame structure; Beam; Plate; The column; The stairs. Basis


1 建筑设计说明 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2设计资料 1

1.2.1建筑要求 1

1.2.2结构要求 1

1.2.3地质条件 1

1.2.4气象资料 2

1.2.5抗震设防烈度 2

2 结构设计 3

2.1结构设计方案 3

2.2变形缝的设置 3

2.3结构布置 3

2.3.1 框架柱 3

2.3.2 框架梁.................................................................................................4

2.3.3楼板厚度 5

2.4计算简图 6

2.4.1结构布置图 6

2.4.2框架计算简图 7

2.4.3结构布置图 8

3 框架梁柱线刚度 9

3.1框架梁柱的线刚度计算 9

4 荷载计算 12

4.1恒载标准值计算 12

4.2活荷载标准值计算 15

4.3竖向荷载下框架受荷 15

4.3.1 6-9轴间框架梁 15

4.3.2 9-10轴间框架梁 16

4.3.3 10-12轴间框架梁 17

4.3.4 6轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算 19

4.3.5 9轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算 19

4.3.6 10轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算 19

4.3.7 12轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算 20

5 竖向荷载作用框架内力分析 22

5.1 竖向恒载作用下框架内力计算 26

5.1.1 梁端柱端弯矩采用弯矩分配法计算 26

5.1.2弯矩的分配和传递 27

5.1.3 各梁跨中弯矩计算 29

5.1.4框架梁剪力计算 29

5.1.5柱剪力计算 30

5.1.6柱轴力计算 30

5.2 竖向恒载作用下框架内力计算 32

5.2.1 梁端柱端弯矩采用弯矩分配法计算 32

5.2.2弯矩的分配和传递 33

5.2.3各梁跨中弯矩计算 35

5.2.4框架梁剪力计算 35

5.2.5柱剪力计算 36

5.2.6柱轴力计算 36

6 风荷载计算 39

6.1 风荷载作用下的位移验算 40

6.1.1侧移刚度D 40

6.1.2风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 41

6.2风荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 42

7 地震作用计算 50

7.1重力荷载代表值计算 50

7.2横向自振周期计算 50

7.3横向地震水平力计算 51

7.4 水平地震作用下的位移计算 52

7.5地震作用下框架内力计算 53

8 荷载与作用效应组合 59

8.1 梁端负弯矩调幅  59

8.2 控制截面  59

8.3 内力组合 59

8.3.1非抗震设计师的基本组合 59

8.3.2地震作用效应和其他荷载效应的基本组合 59

9 框架梁、柱截面设计 77

9.1 框架梁截面设计 77

9.1.1 框架梁的正截面设计 77

9.1.2框架梁的斜截面设计 79

9.2框架柱截面设计 80

9.2.1框架柱的正截面设计 80

10 柱下基础设计 84

10.1 JC-4 84

10.1.1 示意图 84

10.1.2 计算信息 84

10.1.3 计算参数 87

10.1.4 计算作用在基础底部弯矩值 87

10.1.5 验算地基承载力 87

10.1.6 冲切验算 88

10.1.7 基础受剪承载力验算 90

10.1.8 柱下基础的局部受压验算 90

10.1.9 基础受弯计算 91

10.1.10 计算配筋 91

10.2 JC-5 93

10.2.1示意图 93

10.2.2 计算信息 93

10.2.3 计算参数 96

10.2.4 计算作用在基础底部弯矩值 96

10.2.5 验算地基承载力 96

10.2.6 冲切验算 97

10.2.7 柱下基础的局部受压验算 99

10.2.8 基础受弯计算 100

10.2.19 计算配筋 100

11 楼梯结构设计 102

11.1示意图 102

11.2基本资料 102

11.3计算过程 103

11.4计算结果 104

11.5 跨中挠度计算 105

11.6 裂缝宽度验算 106

12 结构模型概况 108

12.1 系统总信息 108

12.1.1总信息 108

12.1.2 楼层信息 114

12.1.3 各层等效尺寸 114

12.1.4 层塔属性 115

12.2 荷载信息 115

12.2.1 风荷载信息 115

12.3 抗震分析及调整 116

12.3.1 结构周期及振型方向 116

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