
 2021-04-14 11:04

摘 要


建筑设计部分,在给定的设计要求内,对内部使用空间进行划分(办公室、 值班室、 会议室、 健身活动场所等),经过合理布置后,运用 AutoCAD 软件绘制主平面图、立面图、剖面图。结构设计部分,首先根据文昌校区综合楼建筑施工图和结构构件布置的原则确定结构构件布置方案。并根据结构方案和国家有关规范([1] 中华人民共和国国家标准.建筑制图标准(GB/T50104-2010)[S]. 中国计划出版社 ,2010[2] 中华人民共和国国家标准.建筑设计防火规范(GB50016—2014 [S]. 中国计划出版社 ,2006[3] 同济大学等. 房屋建筑学[M]. 建筑工业出版社. 2005.9 [4] 中华人民共和国国家标准.建筑结构制图标准(GB/T50105-2010). [S]. 中国建筑工业出版社.2010),进行结构设计并进行 PKPM 电算。通过电算对整体结构进行计算分析。第二阶段为结构手算部分,选取一榀框架,画出一榀框架计算简图、进行荷载统计、竖向荷载作用下的内力计算、风荷载作用下的内力计算、地震作用下内力计算、内力组合、框架梁柱配筋计算、框架结构侧移验算,并进行内力组合,再根据计算内力进行框架梁柱的截面设计。并根据内力组合和地址气象资料进行基础、的设计。并进行楼梯的设计和计算。最后进行施工组织设计的编制,对工程概况、施工准备、施工部署、施工技术方案(基础和主体)、施工方法、主要管理措施及主要经济技术指标、施工现场平面布置、劳动力资源配置和施工进度等进行安排。


Design of Wenchang campus comprehensive building


The subject of this graduation project is the architectural,structural and construction design of Comprehensive Building . The total height of the building is 21.6m.The building is a multiplayer frame structure, it’s area is about 5505.05square meter.

The part of Architectural design,within a given design requirements for internal use space to be divided,(Offices, duty rooms, conference rooms, fitness places, etc.)after reasonable layout,using AutoCAD software to draw masterplans, elevations,sections.The part of structural design,the first phase is the arrangement of structural elements,which are arranged according to the drawings and the principles of construction.([1] national standard of People's Republic of China. Architectural drawing standards (GB/T50104-2010) [S]. China Planning Press, 2010[2] People's Republic of China national standard. Code of architectural design fire protection (GB50016 2014 [S]. China Planning Press, 2006[3] Tongji University, etc.. Housing architecture [M]. Architecture industry press. 2005.9 [4] People's Republic of China national standard. Standard for drawing of building structures (GB/T50105-2010). [S]. China Construction Industry Press.2010)Then determining the structure of the program.Designing structural and PKPM Computing,according to the structure and relevant national standards.To calculate and analyze the whole structure by PKPM.In the second stage, a frame is selected, and a frame is selected to draw a frame calculation simple diagram, load statistics, internal force calculation under vertical load, internal force calculation under wind load, internal force calculation under earthquake action, internal force combination, frame beam column reinforcement calculation, frame structure side shift checking, and internal force checking. According to the internal force, the cross section design of frame beam column is carried out.And foundation,stairs and other designs.Finally, the construction organization design is made, and the project general situation, construction preparation, construction deployment, construction technology scheme (foundation and main body), construction methods, main management measures and main economic and technical indexes, construction site layout, labor resources allocation and construction progress are arranged.

Key words: Frame structure; structural design; architectural design; load calculation

目 录

前言 1

1 建筑设计 2

1.1 工程概况 2

1.2 设计依据 2

1.3 设计要点及方案特点 4

1.3.1 主要功能空间及布置原则 4

1.3.2 建筑平面设计 4

1.3.3 建筑立面设计 4

1.3.4 屋面排水及地面防水 4

2 设计资料 6

2.1 地质、气象资料 6

2.2 抗震设防要求 6

2.3 结构材料选择 6

3结构方案 8

3.1概况 8

3.2柱网布置 8

3.3上部构件尺寸估算 9

3.3.1框架柱 9

3.3.2框架梁 10

3.4 计算框架的选定 10

4荷载计算 12

4.1荷载分类计算 12

4.1.2楼(屋)面活载 14

4.1.3填充墙自重荷载 15

4.2重力荷载代表值计算 15

5基本自振周期的计算 18

5.1结构刚度计算 18

5.1.1框架梁的惯性矩及线刚度 18

5.1.2框架柱的惯性矩及线刚度 19

5.1.3各层框架柱的抗推刚度 20

5.2自振周期T1的计算 25

6水平地震作用下框架内力分析 28

6.1地震作用标准值 28

6.1.1水平地震作用影响系数α1 28

6.1.2水平地震作用标准值 28

6.2各层地震剪力标准值 29

6.3框架侧移验算 30

6.4框架柱剪力标准值 31

6.5框架内力计算 32

6.5.1计算柱端弯矩 33

6.5.2计算梁端弯矩及梁剪力 35

6.5.3计算柱轴力 36

6.5.4内力图 37

7 风荷载作用下框架内力分析 40

7.1风荷载标准值 40

7.2框架内力计算 41

7.2.1框架柱剪力计算 41

7.2.2框架柱端弯矩计算 42

7.2.3计算梁端弯矩及梁剪力 44

7.2.4计算柱轴力 45

7.2.5内力图 45

8竖向荷载作用下框架内力分析 48

8.1荷载导算 48

8.1.1框架平面内的竖向荷载 49

8.2竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 53

8.2.1弯矩分配系数与传递系数 53

8.2.2各层梁端固端弯矩 54

8.2.3弯矩的分配和传递 56

8.2.4各梁跨中弯矩计算 57

8.2.5框架梁剪力计算 57

8.2.6柱剪力计算 58

8.2.7柱轴力计算 59

8.3竖向活载作用下框架内力计算 64

8.3.1各层梁端固端弯矩 64

8.3.2弯矩的分配和传递 64

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