
 2021-04-14 11:04

摘 要


1 建筑设计 2

1.1 工程简介 2

1.2设计依据 2

1.3设计要点及方案特点 2

2 设计资料 4

2.1地质、气象资料 4

2.2抗震设防要求 4

2.3结构材料选择 4

2.4楼屋面做法 5

2.5墙体做法 5

2.6门窗 5

3 结构布置方案 7

3.1结构体系的选择 7

3.2结构的水平及竖向布置 7

3.3柱网布置及结构承重方案选择 7

3.4主要构件尺寸初步估算 7

4 荷载统计 9

4.1屋面均布荷载 9

4.2楼面均布荷载 9

4.3墙体荷载 10

5 应用PKPM系列软件进行结构设计 11

5.1结构计算总信息 11

5.2结构工作性能及抗震性能评价 13

6 手算一榀框架 21

6.1确定结构计算简图 21

6.2竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 23

6.3风荷载标准值作用下框架结构的内力计算 43

6.4地震作用下框架结构的内力计算 48

6.5框架结构的内力组合 55

6.6框架结构的配筋计算 71

7 楼梯设计 84

7.1楼梯结构布置 84

7.2楼梯构件内力计算及截面设计 84

8 基础设计 89

8.1基础选型及布置 89

8.2基础埋深及构件尺寸拟定 89

8.3基础结构计算 89

8.4基础冲切验算 90

8.5配筋计算 91

9 淮安金山商务宾馆工程施工组织设计 92

编制说明 92

编制依据 92

9.1工程概况 92

9.2施工部署 94

9.3施工条件 99

9.4基础工程施工方案 100

9.5主体工程施工方案 103

9.6砌体工程施工方案 107

9.7工程进度保证措施 109

10 结论 110









The main work of this graduation design is the design of a commercial group in the Traders Hotel developed in Huaian new area. The main body of the project adopts a frame structure system, the main building is 6 layers, the bottom layer is 4.2m, the other layer is 3.6m, and the total area of the building is 6099m².

The architectural design of the building is L shaped, with atmosphere, beautiful appearance and better visual effect; the building has a hall, a dining room, a conference room, a banquet hall, a standard room and a suite and so on. The building functions are clearly divided, the rooms are reasonably arranged, the space is spacious and bright, and the comfortable sense is given to the people. In the structural design, the plan is symmetrical and the column spacing is reasonable, and the structural integrity is strong.

This graduation project is divided into three parts: architectural design, structural design and construction organization design.

The architectural design includes the following steps: 1. Determine the construction plan, design the distribution of the building function; 2. use the tianzheng building and AutoCAD to draw the building map.

The structure design generally includes the following steps: 1.Determine the structural plan of the project, carry out the layout of the structure plane; 2. use the PKPM structure design software, carry out structural calculation design, derive the structure calculation diagram, internal force map, reinforcement map,3.use structural mechanics, reinforced concrete structure, seismic structure design original The basic principle of the structural design software is understood in a deeper way. 4.the structure drawing of the structure is plotted with AutoCAD, in combination with the reinforcement diagram of the PKPM and the result of the hand calculation. 5.the calculation is compared with the result of hand calculation.

In the construction organization design, the whole project should be analyzed comprehensively to determine the economic index, labor demand, material demand, equipment demand and so on, so as to determine the construction method and progress of the project.

1 建筑设计












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