
 2021-04-15 10:04

摘 要




Dachengwei Bridge Construction Drawing


This project is the Dachengwei Bridge Reconstruction Project of Nancunfang Village, Dagang Town, Panyu District. According to the requirements, a new 1-2×10m long cast-in-place reinforced concrete hollow slab bridge with a width of 8.5m and a 0.5m wide wall on both sides. Fence. This type of bridge is a common bridge type, which has the advantages of small building height, simple shape, convenient manufacture and easy erection.

The upper structure adopts 1-2×10m cast-in-place reinforced concrete hollow slab, the bridge deck width is 6m, the bridge deck adopts bidirectional 1.5% cross slope, and the bridge deck cross slope is adjusted by bridge deck pavement adjustment. The pavement layer has a thickness of 16 cm. Substructure: Pile foundation: According to the geological drilling data provided by Guangzhou Panyu Nanyue Survey and Design Co., Ltd., the D=100cm bored pile foundation is adopted, and the pile foundation is designed according to the friction pile. The support adopts a plate rubber bearing (200×49mm), and the spiral steel bar is pre-buried in the abutment construction. The strength of the concrete should meet the design requirements.

Key words: Hollow slab beam; Eccentric compression; Drilled grouting pile.

目 录

1设计资料 1

1.1 任务概况 1

1.2技术标准 1

1.3设计方案 1

1.4主要材料 1

1.4.1混凝土 1

1.4.2钢材 2

1.4.3伸缩缝 2

1.4.4支座 2

1.4.5桥台防护 2

1.5 桥梁整体的结构设计 3

1.5.1上部结构 3

1.5.2下部结构 4

1.6采用的标准及规范 5

1.7其他注意事项 5

2.上部结构设计 6

2.1 结构设计 6

2.1.1 横截面布置 6

2.1.2 计算截面特性 7

2.2 主梁内力计算 9

2.2.1 主粮永久荷载作用下的计算 9

2.2.2可变作用效应计算 10

2.2.3 作用效应组合 17

2.3板梁的截面设计及强度复合 20

2.3.1 截面换算 20

2.3.2 板的正截面设计 21

2.3.3 对板的斜截面进行设计计算 22

2.4 正常使用极限状态验算 25

2.4.1 板梁的最大裂缝宽度验算 25

2.4.2对板梁的变形进行验算 26

2.5 对应力进行验算 27

2.5.1 对持久状态下的应力进行计算 27

2.5.2 在短暂状态下对应力进行计算 29

2.6对构件截面最小配筋率的校核 32

2.7支座 33

2.7.1 选定支座的平面尺寸 33

2.7.2 经计算来确定支座的厚度 34

2.7.3 在荷载作用下对支座的偏转情况进行验算 35

2.7.4 在荷载作用下对支座的抗滑稳定性进行验算 36

3. 桥梁下部结构的设计与计算 37

3.1 设计资料 37

3.2 桥台盖梁的设计计算 37

3.2.1 计算荷载作用 37

3.2.2 内力计算 44

3.2.3 截面配筋设计 48

3.2.4承载力校核 50

3.3 桥台桩基计算 55

3.3.1 荷载计算 55

3.3.2 桩长计算 58

3.3.3 桩身内力计算 59

结 论 72

致 谢 73

参考文献 74


1.1 任务概况






4、桥梁宽度:桥梁全宽8.5m=0.5m(防撞护栏) 7.5m(主行车道) 0.5m(防撞护栏)。





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