
 2021-04-15 10:04

摘 要

本设计的目的是拟建一条连接河南省驻马店市泌阳县和新蔡县的主要交通道路,简称泌新一级公路。建成后将大大促进泌阳县和新蔡县的经济发展,对改善两县的消费有十分重要的战略意义,也将促进驻马店市资源开发、县域乡镇经济发展和新农村建设。设计内容主要包括路线线形设计、路基设计和路面设计。首先选线并进行方案比选,完成道路平、纵、横线形设计。其次进行边坡稳定性验算及、,。最后进行路面结构的设计。运用纬地道路设计软件和公路路面设计程序系统(Highway Pavement Design System,简称HPDS)辅助设计,并适当结合手算,为使设计更加准确。此次设计着重点在于缩短里程的同时保证行车安全和舒适,降低工程造价,节约资源,尽可能避免过河建桥、房屋拆迁等问题,并与周围环境相协调,做到既经济又美观。


The Constructional Drawing Design Of Miyang-Xincai First-class Road


The purpose of this design is to design a first-class road from Miyang toXincai in the territory of Henan province,which is called MiXin first-class road.After completion, it will greatly promote the economic development of miyang county and xincai county.It has very important strategic sense to improve the consumption of two counties. It will also promote the resource development of zhumadian city, the economic development of counties and towns and the construction of new countryside.The design mainly includes route alignment design, subgrade design and pavement design.Firstly, route selection and scheme comparison are carried out to complete the design of road level, vertical and horizontal lines.Secondly, the slope stability checking calculation and retaining wall and other ancillary facilities design and road drainage design are carried out ,and subgrade design is completed . Finally, the pavement structure design is completed.Road Design software and Highway Pavement Design System (HPDS) was used to assist this design, and manual calculation was also used to make the design more accurate.The design feature is to shorten the mileage as much as possible while ensuring the safety and comfort of driving and reduce project cost and save resources, and as far as possible to avoid the river bridge, housing demolition and other problems.Meanwhile, road should coordinate with surroundings photograph, and accomplish economy and beautiful.

Key words: horizontal and vertical alignment design of road; Subgrade design; Pavement structure design

目 录

1 绪论 1

2 公路路线设计 2

2.1 公路平面设计 2

2.1.1 平面设计原则 2

2.1.2 技术指标 2

2.1.3 选线 2

2.1.4 平面设计参数计算 4

2.2 公路纵断面设计 10

2.2.1 纵坡设计原则 10

2.2.2 技术指标 10

2.2.3 平纵组合的一般要求 11

2.2.4 竖曲线设计要求 11

2.2.5 纵断面设计参数计算 12

2.3 公路横断面设计 18

2.3.1 横断面设计原则 18

2.3.2 技术指标 18

2.3.3 横断面几何尺寸选择 19

2.3.4 超高加宽计算 19

2.4 桥梁设计 21

2.4.1 设计原则 21

2.4.2 设计标准 21

2.4.3 桥梁铺装 21

2.4.4 桥梁布置 21

3 公路路基设计 22

3.1 公路路基稳定性设计 22

3.1.1 影响路基稳定性的因素 22

3.1.2 路基填土与压实 22

3.1.3 边坡稳定性分析(试算法) 23

3.1.4 土石方调配与路基取土、弃土 24

3.1.5 边坡防护 24

3.2 重力式挡土墙设计 25

3.2.1 挡土墙设计的一般原则 25

3.2.2 挡土墙形式及位置的选择 25

3.2.3 重力式挡土墙计算 25

3.2.4 挡土墙的纵向布置 30

3.2.5 挡土墙的横向布置 30

3.2.6 路肩挡土墙的作用及要求 30

3.2.7 挡土墙的排水设施 31

3.2.8 沉降缝与伸缩缝 31

3.3 排水设计 31

3.3.1 路基排水设计的一般原则 31

3.3.2 排水系统的描述 32

4 公路路面结构设计 33

4.1 水泥混凝土路面设计 33

4.1.1 交通分量析 33

4.1.2 初拟路面结构及设计参数确定 33

4.1.3 荷载应力计算 35

4.1.4 温度应力计算 36

4.1.5 检验初拟路面结构厚度 37

4.2 沥青路面设计 38

4.2.1 交通量分析 38

4.2.2 轴载换算 39

4.2.3 初拟路面结构及参数确定 44

4.2.4. 路面结构设计验算 45

4.3 公路沥青路面设计(路面电算优化设计) 50

4.3.1 交通量的计算 50

4.3.2 路面结构设计与验算 51

结 论 53

致 谢 54

参考文献 55

1 绪论



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