
 2021-04-15 10:04

摘 要




关键词:CFG桩网复合地基;土工格栅;软土;沉降计算;有限元分析Treatment Effect Evaluation and Parameter Analysis of Pile-net Composite Foundation in Soft Soil Area


As a new type of soft soil foundation treatment technology, the pile-net composite foundation is the basic form of the upper reinforced soil, the intermediate net and the lower pile-soil reinforcement area. It fully mobilizes the potential of the net, pile and soil, has the advantages of small deformation after construction, easy control, high stability and convenient construction, so it is quite suitable for railway and highway construction on natural soft soil foundation. However, at present, the design theory of CFG pile-net composite foundation lags far behind the engineering practice. Therefore, the large-scale multi-center research on the pile-net composite foundation makes the combination of theoretical research and practical experience, and makes the theory guiding practice of great significance.

This paper mainly conducts finite element analysis on the engineering example of obeying expressway, focusing on embankment filling height, pile length, pile spacing, axial stiffness of geogrid, elastic modulus of bearing layer, elastic modulus of cushion and Under the influence of the modulus of piles and soils, the variation of stress distribution and size in piles and soils of pile-net composite foundation.

The research shows that the adjustment of embankment filling height, pile length, pile spacing and pile-soil modulus ratio can effectively control the settlement of pile-net composite foundation. Strengthening the research on CFG pile net composite foundation design method will be beneficial to its better treatment in soft soil areas.

KEY WORDS: CFG pile-net composite foundation;geo-grid;soft soil;settlement calculation;

finite element analysis

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2桩网复合地基国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究情况 2

1.2.2国内研究情况 3

1.3桩网复合地基国内外应用概况 6

1.3.1国外应用概况 6

1.3.2国内应用概况 7

1.4研究内容及方法 9

2 模型的建立 10

2.1软件介绍 10

2.2 软件的一般模拟知识 10

2.3 基本单元类别 11

2.4 材料数据组 11

2.5生成网格与初始条件 12

2.5.1生成网格 12

2.5.2初始条件 12

2.6计算 12

3工程实例的数值分析 13

3.1工程概况 13

3.1.1工程地质和水文条件 13

3.1.2工程施工步骤 15

3.2工程模型的数值模拟与计算分析 16

3.2.1桩网复合地基数值模型的确定 16

3.2.2桩网复合地基施工阶段数值模拟 18

3.2.3施工阶段数值模拟结果分析 19

3.3本章小结 28

4桩网复合地基工作性状的影响因素有限元分析 29

4.1路堤填高的影响 29

4.2桩长的影响 31

4.3桩间距的影响 33

4.4土工隔栅轴向刚度的影响 36

4.5持力层弹性模量的影响 38

4.6褥垫层弹性模量的影响 41

4.7桩土模量比的影响 44

4.8本章小结 48

5结论 50

致谢 51

参考文献 52





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