
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要

本设计的目的是对一条由安徽省六安市市境内的青山至丁埠的四级公路进行三级公路改建。设计内容主要包括路线线形设计,路基设计以及路面设计。路线线形设计包括路线平面设计,纵断面设计,横断面设计。路基设计包括路基稳定性设计,排水设计。路面设计包括刚性路面设计。其中该路线设计长度4878.619m,路线里程桩号为K0 000.000~K4 878.619,为改建公路。路线设计包括平、纵、横设计。平面线形设计时设置了14个转角点,纵断面设计设置了七个变坡点,各纵坡坡度都满足大于0.3%并小于7%的要求。纵断面设计满足“平包竖”的原则。横断面设计按双向两车道三级公路标准设置,路幅宽度为7.5m。两边行车道各宽3.25m,土路肩0.5m,路拱横坡为2%,土路肩横坡3%。



Design of road construction drawing of qingshan to dingbu.


The purpose of this design is to reconstruct a grade iii highway from qingshan to dingbu in liuan city, anhui province. The design content mainly includes line design, roadbed design and road surface design. The design of route profile includes the design of route plane, longitudinal section and cross section. Roadbed design includes roadbed stability design and drainage design. Road design includes rigid road design. Among them, the route design length is 4878.619m, and the route mileage pile number is K0 000.000 ~ K4 878.619, which is the reconstruction road. The route design includes flat, vertical and horizontal design. Fourteen turning points were set up in the design of planar linear shape, and seven turning points were set in the design of longitudinal section, all of which met the requirements of more than 0.3% and less than 7%. The longitudinal section design satisfies the principle of "flat package vertical". The cross-section design is set according to the three-level highway standard of two-way two lanes, and the road width is 7.5m. The roadway on both sides is 3.25m wide, the earth road shoulder is 0.5m, the arch cross slope is 2%, and the earth road shoulder cross slope is 3%.

The design of roadbed includes the stability design of highway roadbed and the design of highway drainage. The stability design experience of roadbed meets the requirement. The drainage design is mainly for the side ditch design, the filling side is trapezoid side ditch, the slope of the side ditch is 1:1, the excavation side is rectangular side ditch road design including the cement road design. The design of cement road surface adopts HPDS, and the surface layer adopts 24cm ordinary cement concrete panel. The base is made of 20cm cement stabilized gravel.

Keywords: route design; Subgrade design; Pavement design


1 绪论 1

2 公路路面线性设计 3

2.1 公路平面设计 3

2.1.1 交通量折算及车道数的确定 3

2.1.2 公路主要技术指标的汇总 3

2.1.3 选线 5

2.1.4 公路平面线形设计 6

2.2 公路纵断面设计 20

2.2.1 纵坡设计原则 20

2.2.2 技术指标 20

见表2.1 20

2.2.3 平纵组合的设计原则 20

2.2.4 最小填土高度 21

2.2.5竖曲线设计要求 21

2.2.6ZD的选择,半径控制,竖曲线要素计算 21

2.3 公路横断面设计 23

2.3.1 横断面设计原则 23

2.3.2 横断面几何尺寸选择 23

2.3.3 超高计算 24

3 公路路基工程设计 25

3.1 公路路基稳定性设计 25

3.1.1 路基填土标准、规范 25

3.1.2 边坡稳定性分析 25

3.1.3 路基基底处理及填料选择 26

3.1.4 路基取土与弃土 26

3.1.5土石方调配 27

3.1.6 边坡防护 27

3.1.7 软土地基处理 27

3.2排水设计 28

3.2.1 路基路面排水设计的一般原则 28

3.2.2 排水系统的描述 29

3.2.3 边沟形状说明 29

4 公路路面结构设计 30

4.1 公路刚性路面设计 30

4.1.1 交通分析 30

4.1.2 最终路面结构 32

4.1.3 确定路面材料参数 32

4.1.4 荷载疲劳应力分析 33

4.1.5 温度疲劳应力分析 33

4.1.6 检验初拟路面结构厚度 34

4.2接缝设计 34

4.2.1纵向接缝 35

4.2.2横向接缝 35

结论 36

致谢 37

参考文献 38




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