
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要





Design of road construction drawing from Shahe to Guanmiao


This paper is designed for the road construction drawing from Shahe to Guanmiao. The main content concludes: graphic design, vertical section design, cross section design and pavement structure design.

In the graphic design, several lines according to the characteristics of the terrain

are designed and compared, and the optimal scheme is selected. Sixteen intersection points and fourteen horizontal curves are set up. The minimum radius of the circular curve is 80 meters, and the maximum is 750 meters. All meet the requirements of standard and practice. In the vertical section design, three vertical curves that satisfy the design requirements for the combination of vertical and longitudinal lines are set up, the smallest longitudinal gradient of which is 0.36%, and the maximum longitudinal gradient of which is 1.3291%. In the cross section design, the cross section data of the terrain is introduced by the function of 3D modeling in the weft software, and the cross section map and the ground line drawn are all intersection, which can make the system carry out the calculation of soil and stone filling.

The third class highway is equipped with a new cement concrete pavement surface structure. The new pavement surface adopts C25 cement concrete with a thickness of 24 cm, the base course uses a cement stabilized aggregate of 15 cm thick, and the bottom base adopts a lime fly ash soil with a thickness of 15 cm.

Keywords:Design of road construction drawing;Cement concrete pavement;The third-classed road;Pavement structure

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 设计的目的和意义 - 1 -

1.2 设计的依据 - 1 -

1.3 设计考虑的因素 - 1 -

1.4 沿线的地理位置、地形特点、气候特点 - 2 -

1.5 工程概况 - 2 -

1.6 工程设计的内容 - 2 -

2 道路平面设计 - 4 -

2.1 路线设计与选择的原则 - 4 -

2.2 道路设计的资料汇总表 - 4 -

2.3 道路路线的选定 - 5 -

2.4 道路平面线形设计 - 6 -

2.4.1 路线转角、方位角的计算 - 6 -

2.4.2 平曲线要素的计算 - 8 -

2.5 平曲线主点桩号的计算和校核 - 12 -

3 道路纵断面设计 - 15 -

3.1 纵坡设计的原则 - 15 -

3.2 平纵组合的设计原则和基本要求 - 16 -

3.3 竖曲线要素计算 - 16 -

3.4 竖曲线设计高程计算 - 17 -

4 道路横断面设计 - 19 -

4.1 道路横断面的组成 - 19 -

4.2 道路横断面设计的原则和要求 - 20 -

4.3 横断面设计的加宽和超高 - 20 -

4.3.1 加宽的要求 - 20 -

4.3.2 超高的要求 - 21 -

4.4 横断面几何尺寸设计汇总 - 22 -

5 土石方调配 - 23 -

5.1 路基土石方调配的重要性 - 23 -

5.2 路基土石方调配的原则 - 23 -

5.3 土石方调配的方法 - 24 -

5.4 路基土石方数量的计算 - 24 -

6 路基设计 - 25 -

6.1 路基断面形式的选择 - 25 -

6.2 路基填料的选择 - 25 -

6.3 边坡防护工程 - 26 -

6.4 路基排水系统设计 - 26 -

6.4.1 路基路面排水设计的一般原则 - 26 -

6.4.2 排水系统的描述 - 26 -

6.4.3 边沟形状说明 - 27 -

7 道路路面结构设计 - 28 -

7.1 交通分析 - 28 -

7.1.1 标准轴载及轴载当量换算 - 28 -

7.1.2 水泥混凝土路面的轴载换算 - 28 -

7.2 路面结构厚度计算 - 31 -

7.2.1新建路面结构设计与验算 - 31 -

7.2.2最经济路面结构设计与验算 - 34 -

结 论 - 38 -

致 谢 - 39 -

参考文献 - 40 -

1 绪论

1.1 设计的目的和意义



1.2 设计的依据


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