
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要


道路线性设计包括平、纵断面和横断面设计其中道路线形设计分别同时进行电脑计算和手算,两者计算结果相比显示较相差不大。该道路全长5037.427m,设计时速40km/h,为两车道,路基总宽为8.5m。道路线形设计包括平面设计、纵断面设计和横断面设计计算。平面设计中选取了19个平曲线,圆曲线最小半径为70m。在纵断面设计中,根据地形、地势和其他条件限制,结合《规范》要求共设置了9个竖曲线、 8个变坡点,最小纵坡为0.44%,最大纵坡为5.64%,,满足平、纵线形组合的设计要求,且符合《规范》要求。



Design of construction project of the road construction project of Wu jia dain to Ban zhu yuan


The design for Wu Jia Dian to ban Chuk Yuen Road construction drawing design. The design content mainly includes the road alignment design, the roadbed road surface, the drainage design as well as the pavement material design. Wu Shop to ban Chuk Yuen Road construction, to a large extent to drive the surrounding areas of economic development and cultural construction, to a large extent to meet our existing construction and development. This paper mainly discusses the road design, subgrade design and pavement structure design. The road linear design includes the horizontal, longitudinal and cross-sectional design, in which the design of the road alignment is computed and calculated manually, and the results show a little difference. The road length of 5037.427m, design speed 40km/h, two lanes, the total width of the embankment is 8.5m. The design of road alignment includes plane design, longitudinal section design and cross section design calculation. 19 horizontal curves are selected in the plane design, and the minimum radius of the circle curve is 70m. In the longitudinal section design, according to the terrain, topography and other conditions, combined with the "norms" required a total of 9 sets of vertical curves, 8 slope points, the minimum longitudinal slope of 0.44%, the largest longitudinal slope of 5.64%, to meet the flat, vertical linear combination of design requirements, and meet the requirements of the specification. Cement concrete is used for the surface layer material of the reconstructed third-grade highway pavement. The design thickness of the concrete surface of pavement structure is 23cm, which satisfies the design limit requirement of pavement structure. According to the design of pavement base, the lime fly ash stabilized granular material with 18cm thickness and 19cm lime fly ash soil are chosen.

Keywords:Alteration of three-level highways; route design; Subgrade Design; Pavement structure design.


1 绪论 1

1.1设计概要 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3设计规范 1

1.4地理位置及气候条件 2

1.5工程概况 2

1.5.1路线概况 2

1.5.2工程设计的具体内容及要求 2

2 道路平面设计 4

2.1 道路几何指标的汇总 4

2.2 选线 5

2.3 道路平面线形设计 6

2.3.1平面线型设计原则 6

2.3.2平曲线计算 6

3 道路纵断面设计 11

3.1纵坡设计原则 11

3.2 技术指标 11

3.3 竖曲线的半径选用 12

3.4 竖曲线要素计算 13

3.5平纵组合的设计 18

4 道路横断面设计 19

4.1 横断面设计原则 19

4.2 横断面组成 19

4.3 横断面几何尺寸选择 20

4.4 边沟设置 21

5 路基土石方调配 23

5.1土石方调配原则 23

5.2土石方调配方法 23

5.3土石方数量 24

6 公路路基工程设计 25

6.1 公路路基稳定性设计 25

6.1.1 路基填土标准、规范 25

6.1.2 路基基底处理及填料选择 26

6.1.3 路基与垫层 26

6.1.4 坡面防护 27

6.1.5 路基排水设计 27

7 路面结构设计 29

7.1交通分析 29

7.1.1 标准轴载及轴载当量换算 29

7.1.2轴载换算 29

7.2 各层材料计算参数的确定 32

7.3路面结构的确定 36

7.4水泥混凝土路面结构排水设计 37

7.4.1 路面内部排水设计 37

7.4.2 路面边缘排水设计 38

结 论 39

致 谢 40

参考文献 41

1 绪论






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