
 2021-04-16 12:04

摘 要

宏运大道站位于宏运大道南侧,车站大致走向呈西北东南走向,车站规划站址现为南京今维宁投资发展有限公司。车站主体距北侧的宏运大道路边最近处约17m;场地南侧为下坝河,车站主体距河岸最近处约15m。宏运大道站设计起始右线里程K32 664.091~K32 881.691,站台中心右线里程:K32 742.091;车站为地下三层导式车站。标准段底板埋深约为18.96m(相对于现状地面标高)。该地基主要是淤泥质粉质粘土,粉质粘土,强风化岩等组成。




Design Calculation of Foundation Support of Hongyun Avenue


Hongyun avenue station is located on the south side of hongyun avenue. The station is generally on the northwest and southeast direction. The main body of the station is about 17m away from the nearest road of hongyun avenue on the north side. The south side of the site is xiaba river, and the main body of the station is about 15m away from the river bank. The design starting right line mileage of Hongyun avenue station is K32 664.091~K32 881.691, platform center right line mileage: K32 742.091; The station is a three-story subway station. The buried depth of the bottom plate of the standard section is about 18.96m (relative to the current ground elevation). The foundation is mainly composed of muddy-silty silty clay, silty clay and strongly weathered rock.

The supporting structure of the foundation is designed according to the geotechnical engineering survey report, the design plan of the foundation and the surrounding environment. The support scheme is determined as follows: pile row support is adopted, with one reinforced concrete support and three steel pipe supports, steel lattice columns for the columns, and crown beams and waist beams. Hand work content including: soil pressure calculation, strut axial forces calculation (including internal force calculation and reinforcement), supporting pile design and calculation of internal force (including reinforcement), resistance to uplift and anti seepage stability checking, crown beam waist beam of internal force calculation and reinforcement,calculation of column.

The plaxis finite element design and calculation software was used to design the structure for the overall stability check, and the results were compared with those obtained by hand calculation.

Key words: deep foundation pit, row pile support, concrete and steel pipe support, numerical simulation

目 录

1设计资料 1

1.1工程概况和设计范围 1

1.1.1工程位置及周边环境 1

1.1.2工程组成内容及概述 1

1.1.3设计范围 2

1.2工程地质与水文地质条件及其评价 2

1.2.1工程地质概况 2

1.2.2水文地质 3

1.2.3工程地质与水文地质评价 4

2围护桩结构设计 6

2.1设计计算有关参数 6

2.1.1地质计算参数 6

2.1.2计算区段的划分 6

2.1.3计算方法 6

2.1.4土压力系数及饱和重度计算 7

2.2标准段排桩设计计算 7

2.2.1土层分布 8

2.2.2主动土压力计算 9

2.2.3被动土压力 12

2.2.4第一道支撑轴力计算 14

2.2.5第二道支撑轴力计算 15

2.2.6第三道支撑轴力计算 16

2.2.7第四道支撑轴力计算 17

2.2.8嵌固深度计算 18

2.2.9稳定性验算 18

2.2.10排桩弯矩计算 21

2.2.11排桩剪力计算 24

2.2.12排桩配筋计算 25

2.3大里程段排桩设计计算 26

2.3.1土层分布 27

2.3.2主动土压力计算 28

2.3.3被动土压力 32

2.3.4第一道支撑轴力计算 33

2.3.5第二道支撑轴力计算 35

2.3.6第三道支撑轴力计算 36

2.3.7第四道支撑轴力计算 37

2.2.8嵌固深度计算 39

2.3.9稳定性验算 39

2.3.11排桩弯矩计算 41

2.3.12排桩剪力计算 43

2.3.13排桩配筋计算 44

3冠梁、腰梁设计计算 46

3.1标准段及大里程段冠梁设计计算 46

3.1.1已知条件 46

3.1.2正截面抗弯承载力计算 47

3.1.3斜截面抗剪承载力计算 48

3.1.4配置钢筋 49

3.2标准段腰梁设计计算 50

3.2.1已知条件 50

3.2.2正截面抗弯承载力计算 51

3.2.3斜截面抗剪承载力计算 52

3.2.4配置钢筋 53

3.3大里程段段腰梁设计计算 54

3.3.1已知条件 54

3.3.2正截面抗弯承载力计算 55

3.3.3斜截面抗剪承载力计算 56

3.3.4配置钢筋 57

4支撑设计计算 59

4.1标准段及大里程段混凝土支撑计算 59

4.1.1已知条件 59

4.1.2受压计算 59

4.1.3配置箍筋,腰筋 62

4.2标准段钢支撑计算 62

4.2.1已知条件 62

4.2.2受压强度计算 63

4.2.3受压稳定性验算 63

4.3大里程段钢支撑计算 63

4.2.1已知条件 63

4.2.2受压强度计算 64

4.2.3受压稳定性验算 64

4.4立柱设计 64

4.4.1立柱荷载计算 64

4.4.2立柱承载力验算 65

5基坑监测方案 66

5.1监测目的 66

5.2监测依据 67

5.3测点布置原则 67

5.4监测项目 68

5.4.1巡视检查 68

5.4.2仪器监测 69

5.4.3桩顶水平及竖向位移监测 70

5.4.4围护结构变形监测 72

5.4.5支撑轴力监测 73

5.4.6地下水位监测 75

5.4.7周边地表沉降监测 76

5.5监测频率 77

5.6监测项目报警值 77

5.7 监测仪器 78

结 论 79

致 谢 80

参考文献 81







本站为标准站,地下一层为商业开发层,地下二层为站厅层,地下三层为站台层。采用标准岛式站台,地下二层与周边地下商业相连接,车站中心里程为K32 746.686。



本次设计主要为宏运大道站车站结构,该车站在东侧设置两个出入口,其余出入口与商业开发层结合。本站结构设计起始里程K32 664.786~K32 832.501,站台中心里程:K32 746.686。





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