
 2021-04-16 12:04

摘 要


金峰大桥钢栈桥背墙起点(YK22 267.31),钢栈桥背墙终点(YK22 503.6)。钢栈桥桥面起点标高105.5 m,终点标高105.5m,全桥无纵坡。钢栈桥全长236.25m,全桥设为2联,每联钢结构部分长度117m,中间设计一个伸缩缝双排墩,伸缩缝宽度10cm。桥墩采用钢管桩基础(与桥台相邻的桥墩采用钢管桩墩柱,混凝 土承台基础),桥台采用素混凝土基础。




Design Calculation of Steel Trestle Bridge of Jinfeng Bridge on Qianhuang Expressway


This design is the design calculation for the steel trestle of the Jinfeng Bridge at Qianhuang Expressway. According to the requirements of the design mission book and the provisions of the bridge design specification, this trestle bridge design is divided into three states: construction state, working state and non-working state of the trestle bridge.

The starting point of the back wall of the steel trestle of the Jinfeng Bridge (YK22 267.31) and the end of the steel back wall of the trestle (YK22 503.6). The initial height of the deck of the steel trestle 105.5 m, and the end elevation is 105.5 m. There is no longitudinal slope in the entire bridge. The total length of the steel trestle is 236.25m, the full-bridge is set to 2 joints, the length of each steel section is 117m, and a double row of expansion joints is designed in the middle. The width of the expansion joint is 10cm. Piers are made of steel pipe piles (steel pier piers and concrete pile caps are used for bridge piers adjacent to abutments), and plain concrete foundations are used for abutments.

According to the design requirements, the calculation of the deck system is first carried out. In this section, the stress calculation of the two parts of the bridge deck and the longitudinal beam is included, and the stress of the I22a cross beam is calculated to see if it meets the design requirements. According to the force transmission, the force on the beam is transmitted to the lower bereal beam, and the actual force of the beire beam should meet the specification. The force transmitted by Berry's transfer beam at the top of the pile should also be calculated according to the steps. In the lower part of the calculation, the strength calculation of the steel pipe pile, the impact force of the water flow, and the wind load calculation are mainly used. The trestle bridge and the main trestle bridge are designed and calculated in the same way.

This design, according to the requirements of the design task, has a more detailed design and calculation process, drawing 16 CAD drawings, in line with the requirements of the design task book.

Keywords: steel trestle; bending stress; shear stress


1.工程概况 - 1 -

1.1金峰大桥简介 - 1 -

1.2钢栈桥概况 - 1 -

1.2.1设计说明 - 1 -

1.2.2主栈桥结构布置 - 1 -

1.2.3主栈桥伸缩缝设置 - 2 -

1.2.4支栈桥结构布置 - 2 -

1.3设计技术指标 - 3 -

1.4地质、水文条件 - 3 -

2计算说明 - 4 -

2.1计算依据 - 4 -

2.2主要计算参数 - 4 -

2.3计算荷载和组合 - 4 -

2.3.1计算荷载 - 4 -

2.3.2荷载组合 - 5 -

3主栈桥计算 - 7 -

3.1桥面系计 - 7 -

3.1.1刚面板计算 - 7 -

3.1.2纵向分配梁计算 - 7 -

3.2 I22a横梁计算 - 10 -

3.3贝雷纵梁计算 - 12 -

3.4桩顶横梁计算 - 17 -

3.4.1 H600×200型钢 - 17 -

3.4.2 I32a型钢 - 19 -

3.5钢管桩计算 - 20 -

4支栈桥计算 - 25 -

4.1桥面系计算 - 25 -

4.1.1钢面板计算 - 25 -

4.1.2纵向分配梁计算 - 25 -

4.2 I22a横梁计算 - 28 -

4.3贝雷纵梁计算 - 30 -

4.4 桩顶横梁计算 - 37 -

4.5钢管桩计算 - 39 -

5结论 - 42 -

致谢 - 45 -

参考文献 - 46 -

1 工程概况

金峰大桥横跨千岛湖库湾区,为解决大桥水中墩的施工需求,拟在主桥左幅边线1m位置修建临时钢栈桥;主桥8#墩、9#墩处修建钢平台工程。本工程所设计栈桥为溧阳至宁德国家高速公路淳安段金峰大桥水中混凝土结构施工及全线便道 通行的临时措施。金峰大桥主栈桥右边线距离金峰大桥前进方向左幅左侧边线1m。金峰大桥8、9#墩各一座支栈桥。


左幅桥梁起点桩号为ZK22 085.98,终点桩号为ZK22 634.02,全长548.04m;右幅桥梁起点桩号为YK22 053.98,终点桩号为YK22 634.02,全长580.04 m;全栈桥桥垮布置为:左幅3×30m 3×30m (65 110 65)m 2×30m 2×30m;右幅3×30m 4×30m (65 110 65)m 4×30m,上部构造左右幅第3联采用预应力混 凝土连续刚构桥;左幅桥第4、5联为预应力混凝土(后张)简支T梁桥,桥面连续;其余联采用预应力混凝土(后张)T 梁,先简支后连续;下部结构桥台采用U型扩大基础桥台;3号墩处桥梁上跨改线千威线,采用门式框架墩;7、10号墩桥梁采用实体墩;8、9号桥墩为双薄壁实体墩,其余桥墩采用柱式墩,墩采用桩基础。



金峰大桥钢栈桥背墙起点(YK22 267.31),钢栈桥背墙终点(YK22 503.6)。刚栈桥桥面起点标高105.5 m,终点标高105.5m,全桥无纵坡。钢栈桥全长236.25m,全桥设为2联,每联钢结构部分长度117m,中间设计一个伸缩缝双排墩,伸缩缝宽度10cm。桥墩采用钢管桩基础(与桥台相邻的桥墩采用钢管桩墩柱,混凝 土承台基础),桥台采用素混凝土基础。


栈桥桥面设计宽度6m,栈桥左侧最外侧设置宽度75cm 管道线路。栈桥体系自上而下依次为护栏、专用桥面板、横向分配梁、32I贝雷架、承重梁、纵横链接、钢管桩基础或混凝土基础。主栈桥总体布置详见CAD图S-02。断面布置详见CAD图S-10所示。


钢栈桥地处山区,季节温差表现很明显,钢栈桥容易随温度变化发生热胀、冷缩,会导致整个钢栈桥结构产生裂缝或破坏,因此在施工缝方向的适当部位设置的一条构造缝,将整个钢栈桥分割成独立部分,使钢栈桥受温度变化可沿水平方向做水平伸缩,故本钢栈桥在设计时候考虑每联之间设计一条10cm宽的伸缩缝,制动墩均采用(1000×10)mm钢管桩基础,钢管与钢管之间采用[20a槽钢剪刀撑和水平撑连接,钢管桩顶部切割缺口纵向放置3I32a 长度为3m的承重梁 2,其上横向以6米长度4I32a作为承重梁1,上部放置321贝雷片,纵桥向以10cm 距离断开,此处贝雷梁与贝雷梁之间断开,贝雷与承重系梁之间用卡位器加固,其他部分与桥 面系结构相同。完成最大117 m为一个独立结构。主栈桥伸缩缝处断面布置详见S-10所示。



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