
 2021-04-16 01:04

摘 要


  1. 胶凝材料流动度随矿粉掺量的增加而增加,随硅灰掺量的增加而减少。当矿粉掺量达到40%时,胶凝材料流动度达到最大值,此时胶凝材料和易性最佳,强度较高。
  2. 通过对比试验,研究不同胶凝材料,分别是水性环氧树脂,聚丙烯酸酯对胶凝材料流动度的影响,发现水性环氧树脂会使胶凝材料流动度逐渐减少,聚丙烯酸酯会使胶凝材料流动度逐渐增加。
  3. 随着矿物掺合料的加入,一定幅度的减少了胶凝材料的早期强度,提升了后期强度。养护期为3d时,掺入硅灰为10%时,胶凝材料的抗压抗折强度均达到最大值。
  4. 当水胶比为0.3,养护期为28d时,掺入10%的硅灰会得到最大的抗压抗折强度。矿粉的掺量达到30%时,其28d抗压抗折强度会达到自身的最大值,随后减少,若要掺入矿粉,选择矿粉掺量为30%左右为最佳。


Research on the mechanical properties of slope protection


With the development of China's infrastructure, more and more high-grade highways in China, for road and river slope protection also has a higher demand. No sand large pores Ecological concrete with breathable, water permeability is good, light weight and has a certain strength characteristics. In this paper, the compressive strength of cementitious materials and the fluidity of cement paste were studied by a series of comparative tests. The mineral admixtures were mainly analyzed by mineral powder and silica fume Concrete mechanical properties of the impact of the main research content and results are as follows:

  1. The fluidity of cementitious material increases with the increase of slag content, and decreases with the increase of silica fume content. When the dosage of ore powder reaches 40%, the fluidity of cementitious material reaches the maximum value. At this time, the gelling material is the best and the strength is high. Through the comparative test, the effects of slag and silica fume on the fluidity of cement paste were observed. It was found that with the increase of the content of slag, the flowability of cementitious material increased with the increase of silica fume Of the increase in the amount of cementing material will make a certain degree of reduction in the effect.
  2. Through the comparative test, the effects of different cementitious materials, waterborne epoxy resin and polyacrylate on the fluidity of cementitious materials were studied. It was found that the waterborne epoxy resin decreased the fluidity of the cemented material, The flow of the material gradually increased.
  3. With the addition of mineral admixtures, a certain degree of reduction of the early strength of cementitious materials, enhance the late strength. When the curing period is 3d, the compressive strength of the cementitious material reaches the maximum when the silica fume is 10%.
  4. When the water-cement ratio is 0.3, the curing period is 28 days, the incorporation of 10% silica fume will get the maximum compressive strength. When the content of slag reaches 30%, the compressive strength of 28 d will reach its maximum value, and then decrease. If it is mixed with mineral powder, the dosage of ore powder is about 30%.

Key words: macropore; slope protection; ecological concrete; mineral admixture; fluidity; compressive strength

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1本课题研究的背景和意义 1

1.1.1本课题研究的背景 1

1.1.2本课题研究的目的和意义 2

1.2国内外的研究现状 4

1.2.1 国外研究现状 4

1.2.2 国内研究现状 5

1.2.3 目前研究存在的问题 7

1.3课题主要研究内容和技术路线 8

1.3.1 研究内容 8

1.3.2 研究路线 8

2原材料的实验及实验方法 10

2.1概述 10

2.2原材料的试验 10

2.2.1水泥 10

2.2.2矿粉 11

2.2.3硅灰 11

2.2.4减水剂 11

2.2.5水 12

2.2.6粗骨料 12

2.3试验方法 13

2.3.1粗骨料性能试验 13

2.3.2胶凝材料流动性能试验 13

2.3.3大孔隙护坡生态混凝土抗压强度测试方法 15

2.2.3胶凝材料强度测定 17

3 试验数据分析 23

3.1 胶凝材料流动性能试验 23

3.1.1 胶凝材料水泥净浆流动度分析 24

3.2 胶凝材料强度试验 25

3.2.1 胶凝材料强度试验分析 26

3.2.2 胶凝材料强度分析小结 30

3.3 特殊胶凝材料流动度试验 31

4 结论与展望 34

4.1 结论 34

4.2 展望 35

致 谢 36

参考文献 37






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