
 2021-04-16 01:04

摘 要




关键词: 纤维增强;纤维掺量;干缩率;体积稳定性;

Study on Volume Stability of Fiber Reinforced Cement - based Composites


Cement-based composites are a way to improve the performance of cement mortar. Fibers are added to cement-based composites to enhance the toughness of cement-based composites, forming fiber-reinforced cement-based composites. In this paper, the experimental study on the compressive strength, flexural strength and volumetric stability of cement-based composites without fiber, basalt fiber and steel fiber is of great significance to the practical application of engineering. In this paper, based on a large number of experimental and theoretical research, the following main contents are studied:

(1) The effects of fiber types and dosage on the flexural and compressive strength of fiber reinforced cement composites were studied. Under the same ratio, the flexural strength of steel fiber is greater than that of basalt fiber and fiberless cement mortar, and the compressive strength of fiber-free test piece is the largest in three. The flexural strength and compressive strength of cement-based composites increase with the increase of fiber volume, and the compressive strength of basalt fiber decreases with the increase of content.

(2) Effect of changes in fiber volume on the volume stability of fiber reinforced cementitious composites. Shrinkage is the main measure of volumetric stability. Under the same conditions, the shrinkage rate of steel fiber and basalt fiber cement mortar is less than that of fiberless shrinkage, and the shrinkage rate of steel fiber cement mortar is the smallest, and the volume stability of steel fiber reinforced cement matrix composite is the best. With the increase of fiber volume, the shrinkage rate of the test piece is reduced and the volume stability is better.

Key words: Fiber reinforced; fiber content; shrinkage; volume stability;

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的、意义及背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1 国内研究现状 3

1.2.2 国外研究现状 5

1.2.3 目前研究存在的问题 6

1.2.4 研究主要内容 7

1.2.5 主要技术路线 8

2.1 原材料 9

2.1.1 水泥 9

2.1.2 标准砂 9

2.1.3 水 10

2.1.4 纤维 10

2.2 实验方案 11

2.2.1 试验配合比 11

2.2.2 试验内容 12

2.2.3 试验设备 13

2.3 实验方法 14

2.2.1 抗折强度试验 14

2.2.2 抗压强度试验 16

2.2.3 体积稳定性试验 17

3 实验结果和分析 20

3.1 抗折强度的结果分析 20

3.2 抗压强度的结果分析 23

3.3 体积稳定性的结果分析 27

4 结论和展望 33

4.1 结论 33

4.2 展望 33

致 谢 35

参考文献 36

1 绪论

1.1 研究的目的、意义及背景


在纤维增强水泥基复合材料之中,掺入纤维的用途是防止裂缝会扩大,集中体现在提高水泥基复合材料的抗拉、抗压、抗裂、防渗及有关耐冻性能等。在水泥基复合材料受力过程当中纤维与水泥基体一起受力发生形变,纤维和水泥基的连接能使基体发生裂但是不会断而且能继续承受压力,这养水泥复合材料的抗拉强度也能体现出来,当纤维的有关力学性能、体积与加入量的相关指标符合时,能增强水泥基复合的材料的抗拉的强度;水泥基体中裂缝的产生是无法避免的,且裂缝的产生为使腐蚀性介质进入,,使结构的耐久性能恶化,降低了结构的使用寿命。工程水泥基复合材料(Engineered cementitious composites,简称ECC)作为纤维增强水泥基复合材料的显著代表,它具有突出的应变和硬化特点,在轴向拉力作用下能出现许多裂缝,并且稳态开裂,达到强度的开裂时裂缝的宽度大约小于100纳米[2]:纤维增强水泥基复合材料中纤维主要是来承托着水泥基中骨料的,减少了水泥基体表面出现的细水的状态与集料之间的离析状态,有效地降低了材料中的孔隙率,在贺志龙等人实验[3]中表明,0.05%相关体积分数掺量的杜拉纤维水泥基复合材料比普通无纤维水泥基复合材料的抗渗性能大约提高了60%~70%。

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