
 2021-04-15 11:04

摘 要




Design of construction drawing of the second grade highway in changshu city


This design is designed for the construction drawing of the second grade highway in changshu city. The design length is 7191m, the design speed is 80Km/h, the width of the road is 12m, and the dual carriageway is adopted. The whole line set 10 corners, all set the detente curve. The vertical section is set up with 9 slope points, which meet the requirements of design specification. This design takes into full consideration the natural conditions such as topography, geology, land, hydrology and other natural conditions, and completes the design under the guidance of the teacher according to the requirements of the actual assignment book and the relevant regulations of the highway.

The contents of this design include: plane, longitudinal section and cross section design, subgrade drainage design, pavement design. The plane linear design includes the data collation and the plane alignment, the plane curve elements are determined; The longitudinal section design includes the ground elevation, the design elevation, the digging depth and the vertical curve elements; The section design includes the determination of the standard cross section and the drawing of each cross section. The pavement design adopts asphalt concrete pavement, and the design and verification meet the requirements. The charts for construction include: straight line curve and Angle table, vertical slope curve table, and subgrade earthwork quantity table.

Key words:the second grade highway;plane design; profile design;cross section design

目 录

1 工程概况 - 1 -

1.1 设计意义 - 1 -

1.2 建设条件 - 1 -

1.2.1地理位置 - 1 -

1.2.3气候气象 - 2 -

1.2.4水文地质 - 2 -

1.3 设计指标 - 2 -

1.4 设计依据 - 2 -

1.5 设计内容及成果 - 3 -

1.5.1设计内容 - 3 -

1.5.2设计成果 - 3 -

2 路线设计 - 4 -

2.1设计考虑因素 - 4 -

2.2 线形设计一般原则 - 4 -

2.3 平面设计 - 6 -

2.3.1 平面线形设计要点 - 6 -

2.3.2 平曲线要素计算 - 6 -

2.4 纵断面设计 - 20 -

2.4.1 纵断面设计要点 - 20 -

2.4.2 竖曲线要素计算 - 22 -

2.4.3 计算设计高程 - 24 -

2.5 横断面设计 - 24 -

2.5.1 横断面设计要点 - 24 -

2.5.2 路幅断面尺寸 - 25 -

2.5.3 平曲线的加宽 - 25 -

2.5.4 加宽过渡 - 27 -

2.5.5 曲线的超高 - 27 -

2.6 土石方的计算和调配 - 32 -

2.6.1 调配要求 - 32 -

2.6.2调配方法 - 32 -

3 路基路面设计 - 34 -

3.1路基设计 - 34 -

3.1.1路基高度 - 34 -

3.1.2 路基填土标准、规范 - 35 -

3.1.3 路基基底处理及填料选择 - 35 -

3.1.4土源选择及弃土堆 - 36 -

3.1.5 边坡防护 - 37 -

3.1.6 排水 - 37 -

3.2路面设计 - 37 -

3.2.1设计原则 - 37 -

3.2.2交通量计算 - 38 -

3.2.3路面结构验算 - 42 -

4 排水设计 - 45 -

4.1路基路面排水设计的一般原则 - 45 -

4.2路基排水设计 - 45 -

4.2.1边沟设计 - 45 -

4.2.2排水沟设计 - 46 -

结 论 - 47 -

致 谢 - 48 -

参考文献 - 49 -

1 工程概况

1.1 设计意义


1.2 建设条件

  常熟市位于江苏省东南部,长江接近入海口处西南岸,由苏州市代管。西北距省会南京市210公里。介于东经120°33’至129 03’北纬31°31’至39°50’之间。东邻太仓市,距上海100公里;南接昆山市、吴县市,离苏州38公里;西接锡山市、江阴市;西北与张家港市毗连;北与南通市隔江相望。东南最大横距49公里,南北最大纵距37公里,总面积1142平方公里,其中城市建成区面积24.3平方公里。


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