
 2021-04-16 12:04

摘 要





The Construction Diagram Design of

Weng 'an county, guizhou yinjian Second Grade Highway


The design is the construction diagram design of Weng 'an county, guizhou yinjian second grade highway. Road grade is the second grade highway, the design speed of road is 80km/h. Mainly to complete the route plan, linear and the corner table, line profile, longitudinal slope, the vertical curve surface,cross section of the roadbed, subgrade earthwork quantity, subgrade drainage design, pavement structure design drawing, and so on.

The 7.0 road design software is applied for road route design.The designed length of the route is 7475.295m. Along the line, there are 14plane curves, 11vertical curves. Roadbed width is 12m (earth shoulder is 0.75m × 2, hard shoulder is 1.5m × 2 , carriageway is 3.75m × 2), and it is dual-lane two-way.The pavement and hard shoulder’ crown slope are both designed with 2.0%,while earth shoulder’ crown slope is 3.0%.

HPDS 2017 pavement design software is applied for road structure design. The pavement material is asphalt concrete material. The top layer with thickness of 4cm fine grained asphalt concrete AC-13, the following layer adopts 6cm medium thickness coarse asphalt concrete AC-20. The base is 37cm cement stabilized macadam, and the subbase is 25cm lime soil.

Key words:construction drawing design;plane design;vertical section design;cross section design;pavement structure design

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1公路运输的功能、特点、地位及作用 1

1.2项目建设背景 1

1.3项目概况 1

1.4自然地理条件 1

1.4.1地形、地貌 1

1.4.2区域地质 1

1.4.3水文特点 2

1.4.4气候特点 2

1.5设计依据 2

2 路线设计 3

2.1平面设计 3

2.1.1道路选线的一般原则 3

2.1.2平面线形设计的一般原则 3

2.1.3平曲线设计 4

2.1.4平曲线要素计算 5

2.2纵断面设计 7

2.2.1纵断面设计主要内容 7

2.2.2平、纵线形组合的基本要求 7

2.2.3平、纵线形组合设计的一般原则 8

2.2.4平、纵线形组合设计中应避免的组合 8

2.2.5纵坡设计的一般要求 8

2.2.6纵坡设计的基本规定 9

2.2.7竖曲线设计 11

2.2.8纵断面设计方法步骤 11

2.2.9竖曲线要素计算 12

3 路基设计 15

3.1横断面设计 15

3.1.1横断面设计要求 15

3.1.2横断面设计原则 15

3.1.3路基、行车道及路肩宽度 16

3.1.4路拱设计 17

3.1.5超高设计 18

3.1.6边坡设计 19

3.1.7排水设计 19

3.1.8土石方计算和调配 20

3.1.9路基附属设施 21

4 重力式挡土墙设计 22

4.1重力式挡土墙软件计算 22

4.1.1设计资料 22

4.1.2设计结果 23

4.1.3结果分析 27

4.2挡土墙的横向布置 28

4.3挡土墙的纵向布置 28

4.4挡土墙的平面布置 28

5 路面结构设计 29

5.1路面结构类型的选择 29

5.1.1路面设计的基本原则 29

5.1.2路面结构的选择 29

5.2荷载分析 30

5.2.1荷载分析指标的选择 30

5.2.2车辆当量设计轴载换算 32

5.2.3当量设计轴载累计作用次数计算 34

5.3各层材料计算参数的确定 37

5.4软件计算结果 38

结 论 42

致 谢 43

参考文献 44

1 绪论




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