
 2021-04-16 12:04

摘 要


本次高等级公路路面综合排水系统设计,通过调查该山区自然地理和气候条件情况,充分掌握了当地地形及气候特点。设计以我国《公路排水设计规范》(JTG 018-2012)为主体,同时参考美国联邦公路局、日本道路协会和法国路界排水设施的设计标准,对径流系数、降雨强度、降雨历时以及设计重现期等参数进行计算,并进行公式模型的比选,为排水设施尺寸计算提供合理的参数。



Design of comprehensive drainage system for high-grade highway pavement in a mountain area


Since the 18th National Party Congress, with the development of the national economy and the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region, the upsurge in the construction of high-grade highways in the mountainous regions has been set off in the western regions that account for the majority of mountainous regions. Drainage works and water disaster prevention are important contents of mountain road design. A well-established drainage system can ensure the stability of roadbed and good road performance.

The design of the comprehensive drainage system for high-grade road surface in a certain mountainous area has fully understood the local topography and climate characteristics by investigating the natural geography and climatic conditions of the mountainous area. The design is based on China's "Code for Highway Drainage Design" (JTG 018-2012), with reference to the design standards of the Federal Highway Administration, the Japan Road Association, and the drainage facilities of the French road boundary, and the runoff coefficient, rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, and design weight The calculation of current parameters and the comparison of formula models provide reasonable parameters for the calculation of drainage facilities.

In the calculation of the size of drainage facilities, this design adopts the characteristics of variable conditions in mountainous areas, adopts different drainage patterns for different roads and geological conditions, and calculates the size of the corresponding facilities. A rational and reliable road and road drainage design will be made to make the drainage of the road a complete integrated drainage system, and the water from different sources will be discharged quickly and smoothly out of the road.This design also discusses the system design methods, construction key points and layout methods for pavement drainage facilities of high-grade highways in mountainous areas.

Key words:Road pavement surface drainage ; Western Mountain Area; Road drainage       design; Highway drainage facilities

目 录

1 工程概况 1

1.1 自然地理和气候条件 1

1.1.1 地形 1

1.1.2 气候 1

1.2 上饶市山区高速公路排水设施分析 1

1.2.1 自然地理和气候条件 1

1.2.2 资料调查 1

2 山区公路表面排水形式及相关参数 3

2.1 山区公路排水系统分析 3

2.1.1 路面横坡排水 3

2.1.2 路面边缘排水沟 5

2.1.3 排水口 6

2.2 设计参数分析 7

2.2.1 过水断面宽度 7

2.2.2 径流系数 8

2.2.3 降雨强度 9

2.2.4 降雨历时 11

2.2.5 设计重现期与设计频率 13

3 山区公路排水设施分析 18

3.1 山区公路排水系统分析 18

3.1.1 路肩带排水设施研究 18

3.1.2 中央分隔带排水设施的研究 19

3.1.3 坡面排水 20

3.1.4 横向穿越排水 22

3.2 排水设施设计流量计算方法 22

3.2.1 排水设施设计流量 22

3.2.2 涵洞设计流量计算 22

3.3 排水设施水力计算 23

3.3.1 常用的排水管或排水沟的水力计算 23

3.3.2 三角形沟渠的水力计算 25

3.3.3 涵洞的水力计算 26

4 路面表面排水设施尺寸的确定 28

4.1 排水设施的设计原则 28

4.2 边沟尺寸的确定 29

4.2.1 相关参数值的确定 29

4.2.2 计算过程 30

5 路面表面排水设施排水口设计 35

5.1 连续坡度上的截留率 36

5.2 凹形竖曲线底部排水口的排水量 36

结 论 38

致 谢 39

参考文献 40






气候属中亚热带温暖湿润季风气候,年均温约16.3~19.5 ℃,一般自北向南递增。夏季较长,七月份温度最高,除省境周围山区在26.9~28 ℃外,南北差异很小,都在28 ℃到29.8 ℃。极端最高温几乎都在40 ℃以上。冬季较短,全省冬暖夏热,无霜期长达240~307天。该省为中国多雨省区之一,年降水量1341~1942 mm。



该市位居江西省东北部,土地总面积2279 k。山地、丘陵区面积占该市总面积的75%左右。山地和丘陵是该市的主要地貌,东南地理位置较高、西北地理位置较低。该市气候温湿,属亚热带湿润型气候。


高速公路起于上饶,终于武夷山(闽赣界),是编号为G1514宁上高速中的一部分。上武高速K0 000~K4 369.252路段道路路基土石方数量638000,路段共设置防护排水圬工数量2880,涵道六道。该设计拟采用高边坡在窗孔式护面墙上设置泄水孔来排出坡体内的水。在框架梁里面种有草及植被进行绿化。通过资料,发现该地区其他公路主要破坏类型多样,其中路基排水设施以排水沟开裂与拦沙坝破坏、边沟冲刷与断裂、急流槽两侧土坡坍塌入槽内为主要的破坏类型。其中:

(1) 排水沟渠开裂是由于农田沟渠与排水沟共同使用,长期浸泡,沟渠坍塌;拦沙坝破坏是因自然冲沟内在设置拦沙时没考虑泥石流的作用力,导致拦沙坝结构出现不稳。另外排水沟破坏一个重要原因就是急流槽的开裂。

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