
 2021-04-16 02:04

摘 要






Study on dynamic characteristics of freeze-thawing cement soil


In this paper, the basic physical and static triaxial tests are conducted to investigate the influence of cement-mixing ratio on the basic physical and static properties of freeze-thawing cement soil. The influence of cement-mixing ratio and vibration frequency on dynamic elastic modulus and dynamic damping ratio of freeze-thawing cement soil are studied by using GDS dynamic triaxial apparatus.

The specific gravity of cement soil increases slightly with the increase of cement-mixing ratio, but the liquid limit is almost no change,the plastic limit changes greatly, and the plasticity index of cement soil decreases with the increase of cement-mixing ratio. With the increase of cement-mixing ratio, the initial freezing temperature of cement soil decreases gradually. The thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity are inversely proportional to the cement-mixing ratio, and the thermal diffusivity is directly proportional to the cement mixing ratio.

When the cement-mixing ratio is low, the stress-strain curve of the principal stress is strain hardening. When the cement-mixing ratio is relatively high, the stress-strain curve is strain softening. Under the same conditions, the strength of cement soil increases with the increase of confining pressure and cement-mixing ratio. The cohesion and the angle of internal friction increase with the increase of cement-mixing ratio.

When the cyclic load acts on the specimen, the stress-strain curve becomes a closed hysteresis loop. When the vibration frequency is the same, with the increase of cement-mixing ratio, the slope of the connection line of the hysteresis curve becomes larger. Under the same conditions, the dynamic modulus of elasticity decreases gradually with the increase of the number of vibration,increases with the increase of vibration frequency and the increase of cement-mixing ratio. Under the same conditions, the dynamic damping ratio increases with the increase of the number of vibration, decreases with the increase of vibration frequency and the increase of cement-mixing ratio.

Key words:freeze-thawing cement soil;basic physical property;static characteristics;dynamic characteristics

目 录

1绪论 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1人工冻融土的物理力学特性的研究现状 2

1.2.2地铁动荷载的研究现状 2

1.2.3水泥土物理力学性能的研究现状 2

1.3目前研究中存在的问题 2

1.4研究内容 2

1.5研究方法与技术路线 2

2 冻融水泥土物理力学试验研究 2

2.1水泥土制样 2

2.1.1试验试样 2

2.1.2制样 2

2.2水泥土基本物理力学性能试验方法与步骤 2

2.2.1比重试验 2

2.2.2液塑限试验 2

2.2.3起始冻结温度试验 2

2.2.4热物理参数试验 2

2.3标准应力路径静三轴试验方法与步骤 2

2.3.1静三轴试验原理 2

2.3.2操作步骤 2

2.4水泥土动力特性试验方法与步骤 2

2.4.1动三轴试验原理 2

2.4.2试验仪器 2

2.4.3动三轴试验操作步骤 2

2.5试验规划 2

2.6本章小结 2

3 冻融水泥土物理力学性质分析 2

3.1比重试验结果分析 2

3.2液塑限试验结果分析 2

3.3初始冻结温度试验结果分析 2

3.3.1冻结过程 2

3.3.2水泥掺入比与初始冻结温度的关系 2

3.4热物理参数试验结果分析 2

3.5本章小结 2

4 三轴试验结果与分析 2

4.1静力试验结果与分析 2

4.4.1应力-应变关系 2

4.1.2抗剪强度指标 2

4.2动三轴试验结果与分析 2

4.2.1动应力-应变关系 2

4.2.2不同因素对水泥土动弹性模量的影响 2

4.2.3不同因素对水泥土阻尼比的影响 2

4.3本章小结 2

5 总结与展望 2

5.1总结 2

5.2展望 2

致谢 2

参考文献 2

1 绪论



图1-1 城轨交通各制式占比

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