
 2021-04-16 02:04

摘 要






Design of construction project of the road construction project of Nanxi to Guanmiao


The design for the Nanxi to Guanmiao Road construction project design. The road from the Nanxi, stop at Guanmiao, the status is a level four highway, the design for the level four highways to level three roads, the route length 5535.41m, design speed of 30km / h, two-way two lanes, The width of the roadbed is 8m, the width of the carriageway is 6.5m, and the width of the soil shoulder is 0.75 × 2m.

The design uses CAD, HintCAD and other related road design software for road design and the use of HPDS road design software for pavement structure design. The main design content is: line selection, route program comparison, plane linear design, longitudinal design, cross-section design, roadbed design, drainage design.

There are 11 flat curves, the maximum radius of the circular curve is 600m, the minimum radius is 35m, the minimum length of the curve is 25m; there are three vertical curves, the radius of the concave curve is 8900m, the radius of the convex curve is 16700m and 8900m, the route by the terrain is relatively flat. The longitudinal profile design has three variable slope points, the minimum longitudinal slope is 0.3%, the maximum longitudinal slope is 0.83%, and the design requirements of the flat and vertical line are met.

The level 3 road pavement material is made of asphalt concrete, in which the upper layer is 4cm thick fine-grained asphalt concrete AC-13C (SBS modified), the bottom layer with 8cm thick medium-grained asphalt concrete AC-20C. Pavement base with 18cm 5% cement stabilized gravel and 18cm thick lime fly ash. Base layer with 20cm 5% lime soil.

Keywords: construction drawings; Level 3 highway; Road design; Road structure design; Asphalt concrete pavement

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1设计背景 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3建设条件 1

1.3.1地形、地貌 1

1.3.2气候特点 2

1.3.3水文 2

1.3.4降水量 2

1.4公路等级及主要技术指标 2

1.4.1公路等级确定 2

1.4.2主要技术标准及指标 2

1.4.3本设计的主要指标 3

2 道路线形设计 4

2.1选线 4

2.1.1选线的一般原则 4

2.1.2自然条件对道路线形的影响 4

2.1.3平原区选线要点 5

2.1.4选线的步骤和方法 5

2.2平面线形设计 5

2.2.1平面线形设计的要点 5

2.2.2平面线形要素的组合类型 6

2.2.3直线设计 6

2.2.4平曲线设计 7

2.2.5平曲线要素计算 9

2.2.6 行车视距要求 10

2.3纵断面设计 11

2.3.1纵坡设计 11

2.3.2竖曲线设计 14

2.3.3竖曲线计算 14

2.3.4平、纵线形组合设计 16

2.4横断面设计 17

2.4.1横断面设计的原则 17

2.4.2横断面组成 17

2.4.3路基边坡 19

2.4.5超高设计 19

2.5排水设计 21

2.5.1路基路面排水设计原则 21

2.5.2纵向排水设计 21

2.5.3横向排水设计 22

2.6土石方调配 22

2.6.1土石方调配要求 22

2.6.2土石方调配方法 23

3 路面结构设计 25

3.1路面结构的选取 25

3.1.1路面结构确定 25

3.1.2结构层材料的确定 25

3.2沥青混凝土路面设计 25

3.2.1沥青路面设计的内容 25

3.2.2路面结构设计的原则 25

3.2.3沥青路面结构设计理论与方法 26

3.2.4沥青路面交通等级 26

3.2.5各层材料计算参数的确定 31

3.2.6路面结构厚度计算 34

结 论 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

1 绪论




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