
 2021-04-16 02:04

摘 要




Nanxi-Gubei Road Design and Construction Plans


China is a country with a long history, with the development of human civilization and the development of social economy. Since the reform and opening up the development of China's transportation industry rapidly, China's road mileage is also growing, some of the road was built by a number of years after the damage occurred in different degree, and with the development of social economy and the increasing of traffic, the road has not meet the traffic demand. Reconstruction of many low grade highways will be an important part of highway construction in china.

This project is four grade highway to the three highway engineering, is located between Nanxi to the two bricks. The road width of the project is 7.5 meters, the total length of the road is 5027.524 meters, the design speed of 30km/h, design life of 10 years. This design mainly includes five parts. The first part is the introduction, the second part is the road alignment design part, the third part is the part of the fourth part is the design of subgrade, pavement structure design part, the fifth part is the other facilities and environmental protection. The main results include: route plan, linear curve corner table, line profile, longitudinal vertical curve table, cross section, standard of subgrade cross section chart, subgrade design table, subgrade earthwork quantity calculation table, side ditch design, pavement structure design, pavement engineering quantity list. The design software is adopted: weft design software, CAD2008 and HPDS2011.

Keywords: road engineering; route design; pavement design; Subgrade design; asphalt pavement

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题来源 1

1.2 工程概况 1

1.3 主要内容 1

1.4 设计依据 2

2 公路路面设计 3

2.1 公路平面设计 3

2.1.1 三级公路集合指标的汇总 3

2.1.2 选线 4

2.1.3 公路平面线形设计 9

2.2 公路纵断面设计 11

2.2.1 设计原则 11

2.2.2 纵断面设计的一般要求 11

2.2.3 竖曲线设计 12

2.2.4 平纵组合设计 14

2.3 公路横断面设计 15

2.3.1 横断面设计原则 15

2.3.2 确定路基横断面宽度 15

2.3.3 横断面设计计算 15

2.4 土石方调配 20

3 路基及排水 23

3.1 原有公路路基、路面概况 23

3.2 路基设计 23

3.2.1 一般路基设计原则 23

3.2.2 路基基底处理及填料选择 23

3.2.3 土源选择集弃土堆 24

3.2.4 边坡防护 25

3.2.5 路基排水 25

3.3 挡土墙设计 25

3.3.1 挡土墙位置的选择 25

3.4 路基路面排水 26

3.4.1 路基路面排水设计的一般原则 26

3.4.2 排水系统 26

3.5 沟渠桥涵设计 27

3.5.1 边沟设计 27

3.5.2 排水沟设计 27

3.5.3 桥涵布设 28

4 公路路面结构设计 29

4.1 路面结构设计 29

4.1.1 路面材料 29

4.1.2 基本设计资料 29

4.1.3 设计方法 30

4.2 路面结构计算 30

5 沿线其他设施及环境保护设计 33

5.1 交通安全设施 33

5.2 环境保护设计 33

结 论 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

1 绪论

1.1 课题来源

为更好的理论联系实际,毕业设计采用实际的工程项目作为毕业设计题目,以原始勘测地形图资料作为毕业设计资料,以实际工程项目要求作为毕业设计的要求。本毕业设计题目为南溪至古碑道路施工图设计,完成该项目约5公里左右长(K0 000-K5 027.524)的道路改建设计,并对设计成果出图。要求根据地形图及相关的补充测设资料,充分考虑各种主、客观因素,设计一条技术上可行,经济上合理,各项指标满足规范要求的道路。

1.2 工程概况



1.3 主要内容

  1. 道路选线定线及路线设计;
  2. 道路纵断面设计;
  3. 道路横断面设计;
  4. 道路结构层组合及厚度设计。

1.4 设计依据


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